“Maybe one tiny little detail.” Nick’s eyebrows danced on his forehead. “J.J. gave Parker the boot.”

Cord’s breath caught in his throat, hope springing to life again. If Nick was right, Cord still had a chance with Jess. He’d have to be patient and stay in the friend-zone, but eventually, she might learn to love him. As long as he didn’t push her.

“I need to talk to her,” said Cord, as he tried to get to his feet. “Help me up.”

“What are you doing? You can’t just walk out of here.” Nick stood, grasping Cord’s arm.

“Why not?”

“You have to go to the hospital to get checked out.”

“To get poked and prodded and told I have broken ribs and there’s nothing they can do? I don’t think so.”

Nick jerked his head toward the front of the corral where the paramedics were loading Mason into the ambulance. “You won’t be able to get past that blond bulldog at the gate.”

“I will if you change shirts with me and let me borrow your hat.” Cord took his vest off and tossed it against the fence. “Quick, while they’re busy with Mason.”

With a rueful shake of his head, Nick unfastened his buttons and slipped his shirt off. “If I get carted away to the hospital in your place, you’d better come rescue me.”

“Don’t worry.” Cord winced as he contorted to slide into Nick’s slightly-too-large Texas shirt. “The worst they’ll probably do at the hospital is stick you with a big-dog needle and give you an enema.”

Nick snorted. “They’d have to catch me, first. Hey… where’re your buttons?” He stretched the sides of the shirt together. “Never mind. It doesn’t reach anyway.”

Cord snatched the cowboy hat from Nick’s head and slapped it on, pulling it low over his eyes. “She’s at the pecan-stand, right?”

Nick nodded, taking Cord’s spot against the fence. “Good luck with the bulldog.”

“I’ll get past her.” With his chin tucked down, Cord took a few trial steps, trying not to wince.

“I was talking about J.J.” Nick roared with laughter.

For the third time, Jessica wiped her face with her fingers and took a deep breath, working up her courage.

I have to go see Cord. What’s the worst that can happen? He already hates me, so it can’t get any worse.

Nothing but her stubborn pride was standing in her way. She didn’t want to face him now and admit what she should’ve known weeks ago. She was in love with him. Why couldn’t she have seen it before she hurt his feelings?

She edged forward to rise from the bench, but her legs refused to cooperate. With her face in her hands, she leaned forward, her hair cascading down like a blanket.

A man stopped in front of her, wearing jeans and cowboy boots, too dirty to recognize. With a quick glance, she spied Nick’s t-shirt, and her spirit sank. That her brother was already back from seeing Cord wa

sn’t a good sign. The conversation must not have gone well, or Nick would be cracking one of his usual jokes.

Closing her eyes, she slumped against the back of the bench in defeat.

“Is this seat taken?”

“Cord?” She looked up, her heart beating inside her throat. “What are you doing here? And why are you wearing Nick’s shirt?”

His smile looked strained, but it still made her insides turn to Jell-O. Or maybe ice cream… melted.

“I’m hiding from a beautiful blonde named Mandy.”

“Who’s she? An old girlfriend?” A bit of jealousy crept into her voice, though she knew she didn’t have the right to it.

“Mandy’s a paramedic who’s bound to have figured out Nick and I switched shirts by now. She’s evil. She’s trying to make me go to the hospital.”

“Don’t you need to go?”