
“He called yesterday and made a special request. Said he’s got something special going on today and wondered if he could get breakfast to go.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Jess muttered under her breath, her fists tightening. She couldn’t let him get around the terms of the agreement.

“What’d you say?” Nanna asked.

“I said… uhmm…. ‘too bad you won’t…’” Her mind worked fast. “Too bad you won’t insist he comes in for breakfast, no matter what he says. He told me sometimes he feels like he’s taking away your private family time. That’s probably why he asked for breakfast to go. He thinks you’re too polite to tell him he’s imposing.”

“Of course he’s not imposing.” From Nanna’s aghast expression, one would’ve thought Jess had suggested putting the dog down.

Just then, the door cracked open and Cord’s face jutted inside. “Hi, Sharon. I’m here for that breakfast taco.”

Jess dashed to the door and flung it open, exposing a shirtless-Cord, with a pair of bright blue swim trunks hanging from his hips and a life vest slung over his left shoulder. Much to her disappointment, his arm sling blocked her view of his chest. Yet she could still discern his broad shoulders and muscular arms and legs.

What’s he been doing in New York City? Lifting taxicabs with his bare hands?

He grinned at her, a glint of triumph in his eyes, and she scowled.

“That sling covers almost as much as a shirt,” she said, lowering her voice.

His smile only broadened as he whispered back, “You said no shirt. You didn’t say no sling.”

“But you have to have breakfast with Nanna and Bucky, not grab it to go.”

“No, you only said I had to show up for breakfast without a shirt on, and I did.” He smirked, calling out, “Sharon, is that breakfast taco ready?”

“Not quite,” came Nanna’s reply. “Come on in and have a seat. I’ll have it ready in a jiffy.”

His smile faltered on one side as he yelled back, “I’d love to, Sharon, but I’d better not. You don’t want me coming in, dressed the way I am.”

“I don’t care how you’re dressed, Cord Dennison. I’ll be offended if you don’t eat with us. Jessica told me what you said, and I want you to know, you’re absolutely not imposing.”

Jessica pressed her hand over her mouth to keep her laughter inside.

His eyes narrowed to slits, flashing blue lightning bolts at Jess. Jaw clenched, he squeezed between his teeth, “What did you say to her?”

“No idea what she’s talking about.” Jess blinked her wide-open eyes, feigning innocence. “It’s only fair. If I’m going to be humiliated all day, you at least have to experience a little embarrassment at breakfast.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll have plenty of humiliation.” He flung his left hand in a wild gesture toward the watersports trailer, where staffers were already loading canoes and kayaks for the morning trips. “I’ll be standing around the river all day, practically useless, unless I’m willing to risk reinjuring my shoulder to carry boats to the river or use a paddle. And I’d look like an idiot wearing this life vest while I’m standing on the bank, so I’ll be answering questions all day about these…”

He turned around, and she gasped at the sight of his back and sides, covered with blue and greenish bruises.

“Oh Cord! That looks terrible!” Had he simply been bucked off the bull, or had he been kicked in the ribs a few hundred times? He didn’t look in the mood to answer questions.

“And all you have to do is show off your legs a bit.” His gaze dropped down, and he let out a low whistle, closing his eyes as if the sight was too much for him. Her cheeks burned like she was sitting too close to a bonfire. “Dang, Jess. I’m a sucker for girls with muscular calves. I’m almost ready to concede defeat just to keep Holden and Mason from ogling your legs all day.”

“Fine by me,” she said, extending her hand. “Declare me the winner, and I’ll run upstairs and change back into jeans.”

In the sling, his right hand twitched, his brow furrowing. He was thinking about it. Jess might win the bet without setting foot from the house.

“Cord,” Nanna called. “Are you coming to breakfast?”

The smell of bacon wafted out the door, and Cord’s stomach gave an eager growl. A slow smile bloomed on his face.

“I’m coming, Sharon.”

Cord stepped past Jess into the kitchen, and her hopes of a quick victory plummeted. He flashed a grin over his shoulder and mouthed, “I win.”