“Yum! I can’t wait. But I think I gained ten pounds on the honeymoon. I really need to lose a few pounds. Speaking of losing a few pounds... Do you think Charlie’s okay? She looks like she’s lost weight to me, and she didn’t have any extra on her.”

Emily looked concerned. “Do you think so? She’s probably a little stressed, watching the twins and all.”

“And now she’s watching Chloe, too,” Grace said, watching for Emily’s reaction.

“You know about that?”

“Yes, we got the lowdown from Josh last night at his apartment. And we met both kids.”

“Do you think Olivia’s going to marry him?” asked Spencer.

“Right now she says she won’t.”

“I don’t think she should.” A deep crease appeared on his forehead.

“But Josh loves her.” Emily gave his arm a soothing pat. “Once she realizes that, everything will be fine. I don’t want her to throw away their whole relationship because of this complication.”

“Olivia doesn’t believe that Josh loves her,” Grace ventured.

“Neither do I,” Spencer agreed. “I don’t think he’d be planning a short-term marriage if he was in love with her. He’s just using her.”

“But Spencer, he told Charlie he loves Olivia. He only needs a chance to prove it to her,” said Emily.

Grace decided to throw out a bone and see what happened. “Olivia thinks he still loves Charlie.”

“Well if he does, he certainly has a funny way of showing it,” Emily retorted. “He was pretty rude to her until he needed her to watch Chloe for him. I wouldn’t have blamed Charlie if she’d sent him packing when he showed up with Chloe. But she loves kids. I really think that’s why she’s so gung-ho about helping Josh convince Olivia to marry him. She said she can tell how much he loves Jace and Chloe, and she really wants him to get custody.”

“So you don’t think Charlie would agree to marry Josh instead of Olivia?”

“I don’t think so! She’d never come between him and Olivia. That’s why she’s bringing Derek on the ski trip.”

“Who’s Derek?”

“He’s a third-year law student at Columbia. She happened to meet him at a club when we all went out together Saturday night.”

“Oh... Lance’s roommate,” said Grace.

“You know Lance?” asked Emily.

“Hannah brought him by to meet us. She’s evidently seen him every night this week.”

The veins were standing out on the side of Spencer’s forehead. “Every night? Are you kidding me? He’s way too old for her.”

“Come on, Spencer.” Grace jabbed him in the ribs.

“He’s eight years older than her.”

“Well, evidently she doesn’t mind. It’s not like he’s drawing Social Security.”

“If I get my hands on him, he may not live to draw Social Security.”

“I don’t think killing Lance would endear you to Hannah. She really likes him.”

“You’re in favor of this? I can’t believe it.”

“Emily, can’t you control your husband? He’s seriously overreacting.”

“I’ve only had two years with him. You’ve had a lot longer to work on him than I have.”