She shrugged. “We’ll see.”

“No we won’t see. You’re the only option.”

“Well I already turned you down. So the way I see it, you either have Charlie or no option.”

He shook his head, carrying Chloe into the kitchen. “It won’t work. It’s not an option. End of story.” He paused at the threshold, speaking over his shoulder. “And stop trying to influence Jace.”

He disappeared into the kitchen, and Olivia smiled to herself. Grace and Brad were due back tomorrow. Once she told Grace what was going on, Grace would know just what to do. Josh wouldn’t know what hit him.

CHARLIE WAS BURIED in pillows... almost. There was one small space open around her face. Micah and Ellis were giggling while tossing pillows on top of her prone body as she lay on the floor.

“So Grace and Brad are coming back from their honeymoon today?” she yelled.

Her Mom’s voice came from the other room. “That’s right! I bet they had a great time. Will you see them?”

“Probably not. They’ll be crazy busy getting ready to leave again on Saturday for the ski trip. Are you guys packed?”

“Ha!” Anne laughed. “When do I ever pack ahead of time? But I bet Emily’s already packed.”

Charlie chuckled. “She’s packed. And she sent me a packing list.”

“Actually, can I borrow that packing list?”

“She probably sent you one in an email.”

“Oh... I haven’t had time to check it in a while.” Anne came out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. “Come on, Steven. Let’s get out of here before the boys decide to bury us, too.”

Steven emerged from the kitchen wearing a confused expression, until he saw the ever-growing pile of pillows. He laughed. “You see, Anne? I told you there were too many throw pillows in this place. At least the boys finally found a good use for them.”

“They’re for decoration,” objected Anne, heading toward the door. “Thanks for coming so early, Charlie. We’re going to be mostly out of touch all day. But text me if there’s an emergency. Okay?”

“Don’t worry. There won’t be any emergencies. Have a good day.”

Charlie soon gave up all hope that the boys might fall back asleep due to the early hour. So she led them into the kitchen to find some breakfast. “We’ll eat first and then get dressed. Maybe we’ll play outside if I can find your coats and hats and gloves.”

“Outside!” said Ellis, jumping up and down. Soon Micah was also jumping, and the two continued to bounce until they bumped heads, starting the first round of tears for the day.

“Oh,” said Charlie. “Did you bump together? Let me kiss it. Show me where.”

Both stopped crying and rushed to get their promised kisses. Charlie kissed their heads, and as had become their custom, she kissed their necks and tummies until they laughed

from the tickling.

She heard a knock. “There’s someone at the door. Let’s go see who’s here.” The boys ran ahead of her as she moved to open the door. The penthouse elevator only operated if the occupant knew the code, so she expected to see Emily waiting outside the apartment.

Instead, she found Josh.

Chapter Six

JOSH WAS HOLDING A squirming two-year-old girl with tear-streaked cheeks and blond curls. Peering shyly from behind him, stood a young boy with blond hair and huge round green eyes. Ellis and Micah immediately latched onto Josh’s legs, while he stared, slack-jawed.

“What are you doing here?” asked Charlie. Her head was spinning. Josh had kids? The relationship was undeniable. The boy was a miniature Josh.

“My nanny bailed on me today. She’s sick. Is your mom not here? She told me I could bring the baby in an emergency. I didn’t call because it was so early I was afraid I’d wake the boys.”

“No, they had a big meeting today. They’re flying to Chicago, and I’m watching the boys.”

She paused to listen to the girl who was sobbing quietly on Josh’s shoulder. “I not baby. I big girl. No dy-pee. No dy-pee. I not baby...”