“Can I drive again?” asked Jace.

When Randy didn’t object, Josh said, “Sure. I think Brad and Grace need a chaperone, too.”

“What’s a chaperone?” asked Jace.

“A special guard who makes sure nothing happens,” Josh said, with a wry smile. “You’re really good at it.”

Jace replied, “Cool!”

Josh didn’t get another chance to talk to Charlie alone, during the entire marshmallow-roasting-s’mores-making time following the sleigh-riding time. Frustrated didn’t even begin to describe how he felt.

“So Josh,” Collin jibed. “Why isn’t your fiancée wearing a ring, anyway? Are you ashamed to claim her? Or is she ashamed to claim you?”

“I’ve been too busy making sure she was still alive to take care of those other details.”

“Hmmm, she looks alive and well to me.” Collin made a point of giving Charlie the once-over. “I don’t think that’s the problem at all. No indeed. I overheard a rather interesting tidbit a minute ago... Something about you not being able to choose between Charlie and Olivia.”

“That’s not true. Who said that?”

“Never you mind. I don’t want to get anyone in trouble with you. I hear you have a terrible temper.”

“I could give you a demonstration if you’d like.”

“Don’t get your dander up. After all, I haven’t done anything. I’m only reporting what I heard. Am I to blame if your friends and family are telling tales?”

“Yes, because my friends and family would never say that. So I think you’re telling the tales.”

“No, no, no. It didn’t come from me—I could never make up something that good. And you know if Charlie hears you’re having a hard time making up your mind, she might decide she doesn’t even want the ring when you finally get her one.”

“I’m not having a hard time making up my mind. I’m marrying Charlie.”

“But I heard you were engaged to Olivia before the accident. Is it true?”

“No, we were never actually engaged.”

“But you bought her a ring?”

“Yes, but she didn’t take it, so...”

“So you proposed to Olivia, but she turned you down? And now you’re trying to marry Charlie?”

“No, it’s not like that at all.”

“Okay. You tell me what happened.”

“I... We... It’s none of your business.”

Collin’s laughter trailed behind him as he left him alone to fume.

“EVERYTHING SEEMS TO be going well,” Olivia remarked to Emily. “Surely after this, Charlie will realize Josh is head over heels in love with her.”

“I hope so.” Emily had her doubts.

“Did you send Brad suggestions for the engagement ring?”

“Yes, but I’m actually having to guess. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her gush over a single engagement ring. She’s really particular. There’s always something about every setting that’s not quite right.”

“Maybe he needs to take her shopping for her own ring,” suggested Olivia.