“Charlie? What’s wrong now?”

“It still feels like I’m dying,” she whimpered, vainly pushing the PCA button.

“Just hold on, baby. You’re getting more pain meds, or else today’s Dr. Branson is going to make yesterday’s Dr. Branson look like Goldilocks.”

“SO GUESS WHAT I FOUND out,” Eva told Sally. “I’ve still got a real chance with Dr. Branson.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, first of all, I found out they haven’t been sleeping together. And you know that has to be coming from her. He’s bound to be frustrated.”

“Eva,” Sally scolded. “I won’t even ask how you found out, but it’s none of your business. Maybe they plan to wait until they’re married.”

“Right.” Eva rolled her eyes. “But guess what else I found out... Guess who her stepfather is—Steven Gherring.”

“No way! You’re serious? But still, I don’t understand what difference it makes to you.”

“It means he might not be in love with her. He could be marrying her for her money.”

“I don’t believe that. He was way too devoted to her—spending the night there by her bedside.”

“Maybe so. But maybe he just wanted to appear devoted.”

“Eva! You’re being ridiculous. If he was that kind of guy, you wouldn’t want him anyway.”

“Are you kidding me? He’s gorgeous, and he’s a doctor. And I wouldn’t freeze him out of my bed, like she is.”

“But he lives in New York, and they’ll be leaving in a few days to go back.”

“There’s nothing holding me here,” Eva said with a shrug. “I could move to New York tomorrow.”

“This is silly. If you want a doctor so badly, you could date one of the doctors here.”

“I’ve already been through all the available doctors here, and none of the single docs are as hot as Dr. Branson. And I don’t believe in dating married men.”

“Eva, I just think you’re being unethical.”

“What? I said I wouldn’t date a married man. But they’re not married yet, so he’s fair game. It’s not like I’m planning to kill her or anything. I’ll still do my job.” She stuck out her lower lip. “I thought you’d be excited for me. Are you going to tell someone and get me in trouble?”

“Of course not. But I’m old enough to be your mother, and I’m trying to give you some motherly advice. The right guy is out there for you somewhere. You don’t need to go after someone else’s man.”

“But where’s the fun in that?” Eva chuckled. “Besides, if she’s not woman enough to keep him, she doesn’t deserve him.”

JOSH PACED IN THE HALLWAY outside the CCU waiting room, repeatedly wiping his perspiring hands on his pants. Anne and Steven were sitting inside, waiting for their turn to visit Charlie. If he and Charlie were going to be married, he had one obstacle left. He had to ask Steven for permission. And Steven was going to think he was rushing things, especially since he knew why he’d tried to get Olivia to marry him. Still, Steven knew he was in love with Charlie. Surely that counted for something. And what would Anne think? He took two steps toward the doorway, but chickened out and spun around on his heels. He wasn’t ready yet. He had to think how he was going to explain it.

“Josh?” He heard Steven’s voice behind him. “Is everything okay? Did something else happen with Charlie?”

Josh turned slowly to face him. “Uhmm... No... Everything’s fine. She’s great. I mean... She’s in pain... But she’s stable. And uhmm... Yeah... Everything’s great.”

“Then, where were you going?” Steven’s forehead furrowed. “Can Anne and I see her now?”


“Uhmm... I need to talk to you first. Both of you.”

“Okay...” Steven moved with a stiff gait, leading Josh back into the waiting room to join Anne. “Then tell us now, whatever it is. Should we sit down?”

“Uhmm... Yes, I think that’s a good idea.” Josh paced in front of them, expressions of dread blooming on their faces, their hands clasped together.