“You’re so right. It’s awful. I’m way more nervous than when I took my board exams.”

“Okay, I’ll make a deal with you. I won’t tell anyone you’re not her fiancé yet, if you won’t frighten my nurses anymore.”

“I wasn’t trying to scare her.”

“I know. But you need to look in the mirror. You’re pretty terrifying with that scowl you have on. You’re going to scare poor Charlotte to death when she finally wakes up.”

“IS THAT HIM?” WHISPERED the young nurse in the doorway, staring with huge round eyes at Josh. He’d fallen asleep sitting beside Charlie, slumped forward with his head on her bed, his arm draped across her. “He doesn’t look scary.”

“Well, he was really scary at first, but he’s been nicer since Dr. Sommers talked to him,” the older nurse replied. “It’s kind of sweet, actually. They’re engaged. And the story is she risked her life to save some little boy. She got hit by a snowboard.”

“He looks cute,” said the girl, peeking in the doorway. She could just make out his face. “What color are his eyes?”

“They’re green. And yes, he’s really cute. But didn’t you hear me? They’re engaged.”

“Yes, but I’ve got a little window of time while she’s asleep.”

“Eva!” said the older woman, with obvious shock and disapproval.

“Sally, you’re so gullible. I’m just teasing. I think it’s very romantic. He’s been there all night?”

“He hasn’t left her side. Refused to even sleep on the couch.”

“What about the girl... Let’s see...” She looked at the chart. “Charlotte? How are her vitals? Anything unexpected?”

“Dr. Garrett said she should’ve woken up by now, but Dr. Sommers isn’t too worried about it. So far, her vitals have been good. As soon as she wakes up though, she’s going to be in pain. You’ll need to set her up on the PCA.”

“Okay. Hopefully, he’ll need me for something while I’m on shift.” Eva made a dreamy face. “Dr. and Mrs. Eva Branson—it has such a nice ring to it.”

This time Sally laughed with her as they exited the room. Neither one noticed Charlie’s eyes as they fluttered open.

Chapter Fourteen

CHARLIE WAS AWARE OF only one thing. She was dying. She’d never felt such terrible pain before. She started to move but the pain worsened, so intense she tried to lie perfectly still. As her eyes began to focus, she could see the ceiling above her. Experimentally, she turned her head and found her neck didn’t hurt. She could see she was in a hospital. But why? What had happened? The excruciating pain seemed to be centered in her chest. She knew she was dying of a heart attack. She wanted to call out for help but with every breath bringing new agony she couldn’t even speak.

Her gaze roamed the room in a frantic search for help, finally coming to rest on a sleeping figure whose head rested on her bed... Josh. Could she get his attention? She managed to whisper his name, but found her throat was dry and raspy. And something was over her mouth and nose. She couldn’t dislodge it. She heard a voice, a moan. Where was the noise coming from? Was it her?

Josh woke abruptly at the sound. “Charlie?” He jumped up and moved to bend over her. “Hey! You’re awake! I’m so glad you’re awake. We were all worried. And... and I need to talk to you... Charlie? You’re crying! What’s wrong, baby? Are you scared?”

She shook her head. She tried to talk, but the only sound she could make was a whimper of pain.

“Does it hurt? Are you in pain?”

Her nod was vigorous. She had to tell him. She whispered, and he put his ear next to her mouth to understand, but no intelligible sounds emerged through the obstruction on her face. She moaned again.

“Hang on, baby. Let me lift this mask a little bit, so I can hear you.”

As the mask was pulled away, she rasped out a few desperate words. “Josh. I’m dying... my chest...”

“No baby, you’re not dying. You had surgery. I know it hurts, but we’ll fix it.” He punched the nurse’s call button multiple times. “Hang in there. I know it hurts.”

The nurse came running into the room. “Is she awake?”

“Yes, and she needs pain meds, stat.”

She spoke soothingly to Charlie as she prepped the needle. “Hi, Charlotte. My name is Eva. I’m your nurse, and I’m going to get you out of pain. This is morphine, and it’s going to make you feel better.” She began to inject into her IV. “And we’re going to set you up with a little button you can push to get more pain medication when you need it. Okay?”

Charlie’s muscles relaxed as the morphine took effect, easing the pain.