Dr. Sommers walked over to Charlie’s bed, where she was lying unconscious. “I can see why you love her, and I haven’t even met her yet. Is she as beautiful inside as out?”

Josh gazed at her face, unmarred by the accident. Except for the nasal cannula, she could have been resting at home in bed. Like sleeping beauty. “Yes, she is. She threw herself in front of an irresponsible snowboarder to save my nephew’s life.”

“She seems to be an amazing girl. And I can see you love her very much.” He picked up the laptop computer. “Now, if you’d like, we’ll sit on the couch together and review her chart. I haven’t gotten to read it yet.”

“I thought Dr. Garrett said—”

“Yes, yes,” He waved his hand about. “Dr. Garrett doesn’t want you to see her records. But I’ve been doing this a long time, and I’m not as insecure or as easily offended as Dr. Garrett.” He smiled again. “Besides, I have a feeling no one could be more motivated to save this young woman’s life than you, Dr. Branson.”

“It’s Josh.” He sat down beside the older doctor as he felt the tension ease in his chest. “Thank you so much, Dr. Sommers.”

“It’s Ted.”

After scrutinizing every word, Josh sat back and sighed, almost disappointed. “It’s exactly what I would have prescribed.”

Ted chuckled. “That doesn’t mean you’re not useful, here. You have an even more important role than being her doctor. You’re her reason to live. When is the wedding?”

Josh felt his face burning. “If I confess something, will you promise not to throw me out?”

“Go right ahead. If I hadn’t gotten into medical school, I was going to be a priest.”

“I haven’t actually asked her yet.”

“I see. But you’ve talked about it, right?”

“Uhmm... It’s complicated.”

“But you do plan to marry her?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Well, at least she knows you love her, even if you haven’t said the ‘M’ word. Right?”

“Uhmm... It’s complicated. You see, I told her I loved her two years ago, but she didn’t believe me.”

Ted sat back, plainly bemused. “

Let me get this straight. Two years ago you told her you loved her, and she clearly didn’t believe you? And you haven’t told her again since then?”

“No, but I told her I’d be waiting for her if she changed her mind about me. And I’ve been trying to be the kind of man who deserves her.”

His eyebrows flew up. “So for two years...”

“She was living in another state. That’s why I didn’t push her.”

“I would say you’ve taken ‘not pushing her’ to a new extreme,” he remarked drolly.

Josh dropped his face into his hands. “I know. I know it was stupid. And then yesterday, I almost lost her...”

“So what’s holding you back now? Is she in love with someone else?”

“No, it’s not that. There was a complication. I thought I had a responsibility that would keep us apart. But now I know she’s more important.”

“And so, when she wakes up, you’re planning to tell her? Is that why you’re so nervous?”

Josh nodded his head, struggling to find a drop of saliva to wet his cottony mouth.

Ted chuckled. “Even the greatest of men is brought to his knees in the face of love.”