Brad was standing behind him. “Josh? What’s her status?”

Josh couldn’t think. He panicked. He was going to lose her. He was going to lose Charlie.

“Josh! What’s her status?” Brad grabbed Josh’s shoulders and shoved him out of the way. “Get a grip, man. Go around to her head.” Josh moved obediently to kneel at Charlie’s head. He was vaguely aware of the tears streaming from his eyes, causing her face to swim in his vision.

“Charlie? Where does it hurt?” Brad asked.

Her voice was so quiet Brad had to put his ear by her mouth to hear her. “Jace? Is Jace...”

“Jace is fine. He’s not hurt. Charlie, I need you to tell me where it hurts.”

“My... chest... hurts... so bad... can’t breath... arm hurts.”

Brad told Spencer, “In my backpack. Pocket knife. Bottom outside zipper pocket.”

“Charlie? Does your head hurt? Or your neck?”

“No,” she whimpered.

“Can someone call nine-one-one?”

“Done. Ski patrol is on the way.” Gherring was on his cell phone.

Brad took the proffered knife from Spencer and carefully cut away Charlie’s sleeve where it was shredded by the snowboard, opening her jacket to peel it back. Josh saw blood. Too much blood. She was losing too much blood. He felt nauseous like a first-year medical student.

“Josh!” Brad’s tone was harsh. “Snap out of it. Charlie needs you. Get the brachial artery, and stop the bleeding.”

Josh took a deep breath. Charlie needed him. He clamped his hand on the brachial artery, and she moaned. His head began to clear as he watched Brad press gently on her ribs, eliciting a whimper of pain.

“Charlie?” said Brad. “Can you take a deep breath for me?”

She gave a barely perceptible shake of her head in response, crying out as he pressed on her chest.

“Did you see that?” Josh exclaimed, as he felt the blood drain from his face. “Flail chest. Here on the left side.”

Brad nodded, pulled off his jacket and rolled it up to press against her side where the ribs were fractured. This time there was no response when he applied pressure to her fractured ribs.

“Charlie! Charlie!” said Brad. “Can you hear me?” When he looked at Josh, his face was grave. “She’s out. Watch her. Make sure she doesn’t stop breathing.”

“Right,” Josh nodded. “She may be bleeding internally.”

“Most likely,” said Brad. “But nothing we can do here.”

“Spinal injuries?” asked Josh.

“No way to know for sure,” said Brad. “We’ll have to brace her just in case.” He looked up from Charlie. “Did someone check on the snowboarder?”

“He says his leg hurts,” called Emily. “But he’s sitting up, so I guess his back is okay.”

Josh shot a furious glare at the young man, sitting in the snow near Jace, moaning in pain.

“Josh...” Brad spoke in a warning voice. “Stay focused here. You just worry about Charlie.”

“He killed her!” Josh couldn’t control his anger. He couldn’t control anything.

“She’s not dead,” Brad hissed. “You’re scaring everyone.”

“She needs an IV. We’ll never get her to a hospital in time.”