“Promise what?” She batted her lashes.

“That you won’t do anything to try and help things along.”

“Okay. I promise I won’t do anything to try and help things along.”

“Why am I still uneasy about you?”

“I have no idea.”

Steven squeezed his eyes shut, stifling a groan. Before he met Anne, everything in his life was in perfect order; he was a confirmed control freak. But Anne had changed all that. He couldn’t control her, and had to admit he wouldn’t want to. Although it would have been nice if he felt he had a little influence on her decisions, especially her bent toward matchmaking. But any attempt he made to sway her toward his way of thinking was pointless. The term ‘herding cats’ comes to mind. He opened one eye and spied her lying beside him, drumming her fingers on her chin. He’d have to keep a close watch on her. A smile came unbidden to his face. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chapter Twelve

EMILY PULLED DEREK around the corner and out of the room while everyone was gathering their ski equipment for the day.

“Uhmm, I just thought I ought to tell you there’s been a slight change of plans.”

“We’re not all skiing together today? Or Charlie’s decided to keep skiing instead of boarding?”

“No, not that,” she waved her hand impatiently. “It’s about Charlie and you and Josh and Olivia.”

“What now? Charlie’s decided she doesn’t want me to kiss her anymore? I mean, I haven’t even done it that much. I don’t know why she’s so uptight about it.”

“No, this doesn’t have anything to do with Charlie. Well, it does have to do with her, but she doesn’t know it.”

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“Charlie’s in love with Josh.” The words tumbled out of her mouth.

“Are you kidding me? We just talked about this last night. She swore she didn’t feel that way.”

“Well, the problem is Josh is in love with her, too.”

He ran frustrated fingers through his hair until it was sticking straight up. “You people are insane. I asked him. I point-blank asked him who he was in love with, and he said he loved Olivia.”

“I know. But that’s because he doesn’t know Charlie’s in love with him.”

“I thought my job was to convince Josh and Olivia that Charlie was with me.”

“Well, that was your job, and Charlie needs to think you’re still doing it. But I need for you to help me get Josh and Charlie together.”

He peered at the sky with his hands folded in prayer. “I’m not sure this free ski trip was really worth it.” His breath whistled through his lips. “So what do you want me to do?”

A voice behind Emily made her jump. “What are you two talking about?”

“Hi Mom! Nothing. We were just chatting.”

“Really?” said Anne. “Because it sounded to me like you were plotting about Charlie and Josh.”

“No, we weren’t,” Emily denied.

“I want in,” said Anne. “But you can’t tell Steven.”

Derek’s eyes were wide. “Do all women do this kind of thing? Or only the Best women?”

Grace rounded the corner. “We need to talk in another place. I could hear you in the other room.”

Hannah piped up behind her, “That’s because she was standing around the corner eavesdropping.”