“Waxing philosophical?” Josh bit back, his unreasonable anger with Derek rising out of control. “Because I think a better phrase would be... It’s not how long you’ve known someone, it’s how well you know them. And I don’t think you know Charlie all that well.”

Brad cleared his throat. “Uhmm, Josh. I think you’re maybe carrying this big brother attitude a little too far.”

“Someone needs to watch out for Charlie,” Josh complained.

“I can watch out for myself!” Charlie spouted as she entered the room, her face as red as her Christmas scarf. “And if I needed someone to watch out for me, it wouldn’t be you. Your job is to watch out for Olivia.”

An uncomfortable silence fell across the room. Josh was glaring at Charlie, but he couldn’t hold her acrid gaze. His eyes dropped as he listened to the blood pumping in his head.

Grace broke the silence with a chuckle. “Someone throw Josh a shovel, so he can dig his way out.”

Brad shook his head at his friend. “I’m afraid it’s too late for a shovel. He needs a backhoe.”

STEVEN GHERRING WAS reading in bed, waiting as usual for Anne to finish her preparations. He looked up to find her standing beside him with her hands on her hips.

“So how long have you known?” she demanded.

“Known what?”

“That Josh and Charlie are still in love with each other. You didn’t act surprised at all tonight.”

“Charlie’s in love with Josh?” He hadn’t known, but he should have guessed.

“Obviously. So are you admitting you knew Josh was in love with Charlie?”

“Only since last night.” As her expression grew fierce, he raised his hand and added, “But he made me promise not to tell anyone, and he specifically mentioned you.”

“Well, I certainly don’t understand why he wouldn’t want me to know. I could have been helping him all this time.” She pushed her lower lip out.

“Perhaps that’s exactly why he didn’t want you to know.”

“You mean, he doesn’t know what’s good for him. Right?”

“I mean, I don’t think he wants you to interfere.”

“But look what a terrible mess he’s in. How’s he ever going to get it sorted out without some help? He has no idea Charlie’s in love with him, and Charlie doesn’t know he’s in love with her.”

Could he discourage her from getting involved without hurting her feelings? He used his sternest tone. “You don’t need to start planning and plotting. You’ve already done enough of that. I’ve got my attorneys looking into the whole custody thing. If we can only arrange it so he doesn’t need to get married quickly, he and Charlie will have plenty of time to sort all of this out.”

“But what if they can’t get it worked out? Josh can’t marry Olivia. Did you see her face during that little tussle tonight? She looked positively exultant, all the way until Charlie mentioned her name. I don’t think she loves Josh at all.”

“I’m afraid I agree with you, but that still doesn’t give you the right to meddle in their affairs.”

“Perhaps I should call Gram and get her advice...” Anne chewed a fingernail. He could see the wheels turning inside her head. And the last thing he needed was to have his grandmother involved in this fiasco between Josh and Charlie.

“No! Do not get my Gram involved in this. Let them sort it all out themselves.”

“But Gram might know just what to do.”

“Absolutely not.”

“But she helped you and me get together. Without Gram, I’d still be in Texas. We’d never have even met, much less gotten married.”

“I’ve admitted I’m eternally indebted to Gram for you, but that doesn’t mean I approve of her type of interference. I think they’ll figure it all out without our help.”


Warning bells went off in his head. That answer came way too easily. “Anne, I want you to promise me.”