“I can’t believe y’all are at it again,” said a voice behind them. They both turned to find their mother, Anne, with her husband, Steven.

“Mom,” whined Charlie. “Tell her that I’m Ellis’ and Micah’s favorite sister.”

“They love me more,” declared Emily. “They don’t know you as well.”

“But they’re tired of you,” Charlie goaded. “I’m knew and exciting. You’re dull and boring.”

Anne glanced at her husband with a silent plea for aid.

“Some things never change,” said Steven.

Anne put her hands on her hips. “I’m going to figure out a way to raise Ellis and Micah so they won’t always be competing with each other.”

“Good luck with that.” Charlie quipped.

“Really, Mom? With sisters like us and the two most competitive parents in the history of mankind?” Emily asked.

Steven lifted his chin in mock offense. “I beg your pardon. Are you accusing me and my sweet wife of being competitive?”

“Only if the proverbial shoe fits,” said Emily.

“I resemble that remark.” He laughed.

“Wasn’t the wedding just wonderful? I thought Grace was so beautiful! And Brad was just beaming.” Anne blinked at a few tears that sprang to her eyes. “I’m ready to start planning another one.” She waggled her eyebrows at Charlie.

“Don’t start that, Mom. I’m not falling for any of your schemes. If I ever decide to get married, I can find a guy all on my own. But I don’t need anyone competing for my time until after law school, anyway.”

“Surely you don’t believe that.” A deep furrow appeared between her mother’s brows. “If you had the right guy, you wouldn’t resent the time you spent with him. And he’d be a partner for you. He wouldn’t keep you from studying.”

“Maybe. But I don’t think I can handle the emotional turmoil right now.”

“You know, I said the same thing two years ago. But when love strikes, you can’t do anything but go with it.” Emily squeezed Spencer’s hand. “And it’s worth the emotional turmoil when you find a great guy.”

“Okay, whatever.” Charlie hated the direction of the conversation. She couldn’t imagine herself ever getting married, especially since her emotions were obviously still messed up where Josh was concerned. “Let’s change the subject, please.”

“Great,” said Anne. “Let’s talk about what kind of flowers you want for your wedding. Didn’t you just love Grace’s hydrangeas? I was thinking maybe hydrangeas and—”

“Mom!” Charlie growled out a warning.

“Maybe you can plan Olivia’s wedding,” Spencer remarked with a biting emphasis on his sister’s name.

“What?” said Anne. “Olivia’s getting married?”

“Evidently Josh was proposing earlier tonight,” he grumbled. “I didn’t even know they were dating.”

Charlie felt a lead weight fall into the pit of her stomach. Josh was in love with Olivia. No wonder he didn’t want her around. She should be happy for him. Happy for both of them. She should have expected this, but somehow it felt even worse he was going to marry one of her good friends. She wouldn’t be able to avoid seeing them together all the time.

“Are you all right?” whispered Emily, giving her arm a little squeeze. “You look a little pale. I’m so sorry...”

Charlie forced a smile onto her face. “No, I’m fine. I’m happy for them. I’m just a little shocked is all.”

Anne looked positively ecstatic. “Oh, this is so much fun—another wedding! I hope Olivia and Connie will let me in on the planning again like they did for Grace’s.”

Spencer’s face was dark. “Well, I don’t like it. I don’t think he really loves her, and I’m afraid she’s going to get hurt.”

“Why do you say that?” asked Steven. “Does this have anything to do with him making a play for Emily way back when? Are you still holding that against him?”

“No. We got past that a long time ago. I just don’t want Olivia to settle for someone who isn’t head-over-heels for her. I haven’t seen that from Josh, and I’m afraid he won’t treat her well.”