There was no way Charlie would agree to his outrageous plan. Even if he confessed the truth—that he was still in love with her—she would never believe him now.

He had his work cut out for him. He had to convince Olivia marrying Charlie wasn’t an option, and show her it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to marry him. Perhaps she was worried about the responsibility. Maybe while they were on the ski trip, he could demonstrate how he could handle his niece and nephew on his own. And she would also see how incompatible he and Charlie were. That was the only possible way she’d agree to the marriage.

“Uncle Josh?”


“I like my aunts.”

“Yes, you have some amazing aunts. And you haven’t even met them all yet.”

“But Aunt Charlie’s going to like Chloe more than me. Chloe gets to spend all day with her. It’s not fair. I want to spend all day with Aunt Charlie.”

He nodded and rubbed his nephew’s blond head. “I know how you feel, buddy.”

THREE TWO-YEAR-OLDS were at least twice as tiring as two of them had been. They were simply too excited to settle down for a morning nap. Charlie had bundled them up and taken them outside to play on the rooftop patio before lunch. After eating grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, she felt certain they would all crash. But they seemed to keep running on nervous energy, finally collapsing at about two thirty. Charlie decided she needed a nap as much as they did, and she’d just lain down on the couch and closed her eyes, when her phone rang.

“Hey, Charlie. I just wanted to make sure we’re still on for tonight.”

“Oh...” Charlie had forgotten all about her promise to Derek. “I... uhmm...”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to back out on me. I’ve been looking forward to it since Saturday. And I purposefully didn’t call and bug you because something told me you’re not a big chat-on-the-phone kind of girl. Was I right?”

“Yes, you’re right. I almost didn’t answer this call. Listen, we can still do the movie, but I’m going to be really tired.”

“No problem. I’ll get the movie and the Chinese food. What time? Seven?”

“Sure. Okay. But don’t get your feelings hurt if I fall asleep.”

“I promise. It happens to me all the time. I’m totally used to it.” He chuckled.

She hung up and promptly fell asleep. When she awoke, an hour had passed. She roused the kids from their naps and the afternoon passed in non-stop action. At five thirty, Josh and Jace returned to collect Chloe.

Charlie handed Josh a bag of pull-ups. “Mom and Dad buy them by the case. You can pay them back later. But I think Chloe will be pretty disconsolate if you try to put her back in a diaper again. She used the potty twice today. Do you have a training potty?”

“No. I didn’t know I needed one. And to be honest, I don’t know how to do that.” Her heart went out to him. His voice was weary, and there were dark circles under his eyes.

“Well, you can borrow this potty-training book my mom and dad have been referring to. Just bring it back tomorrow.” As Jace dashed away to play with the twins, Charlie narrowed her eyes at Josh. “So what’s the story here?”

“Well, it’s complicated, but... basically, I’m trying to get custody.” He dropped his voice.

“Ahhhh. It all makes sense now. And that’s why you’re getting married to Olivia?”

“Well, no. Of course not. I love Olivia. I’m just in a rush to get married because of the custody thing. But we haven’t told anyone else about it.”

“So this is what you told Spencer about? This is why he thought O

livia was pregnant.”

“Yeah. She was pretty mad about that.”

“Why didn’t you just tell everybody the truth?”

“I... I haven’t quite convinced Olivia. And I didn’t want her family to know the reason I was rushing things. But I promised her she could tell Grace the truth when she and Brad came back from their honeymoon. So I guess everyone will find out, now.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I just hope Grace will take my side in this.”

She watched as Josh moved to pick up Chloe, kissing the top of her blond curls. He reached out his hand to Jace. “Come on, buddy. It’s time to go.” Her heart clenched in her chest as tears sprang to her eyes. Seeing how much he loved the children made him look even more attractive. She realized the depth of her underestimation of this man. She’d been so unfair to him when she’d judged him by his past, rejecting his promise he could change.

She blinked her watery eyes. As Josh started toward the door with Chloe in one arm and Jace in tow, Chloe began to cry and hold out her arms to Charlie.