“Are you tired already?” Olivia teased. “It’s only six thirty.”

“Yes, but today was the first day I had to work at the hospital and take care of the kids, too. I’ve been up since five a.m.”

“Better get used to it,” she called in a merry voice as he disappeared into the kitchen.

Olivia picked up Chloe and twirled her around while she giggled.

“Do me! Do me!” demanded Jace.

“I’ll try, but I’m not very strong.” She pretended to strain to pick up Jace. “Ughh! You’re so big! I can’t do it.” Then she raised her eyebrows, “But you know who’s really, really strong, and can pick you up and swing you around for hours without getting tired?”

“Who? Uncle Josh?”

“No. Your Aunt Charlie. You haven’t met her yet, but you’re going to love her. And I’ll tell you something else if you can keep a secret.”

“What?” he said, wiggling with excitement.

She whispered in his ear. “Aunt Charlie’s the one who made the cookies.”


“Yes, and she can climb rocks and mountains, and she goes whitewater rafting and she teaches kids how to ski.”

“Really? Is she going to teach me how to ski?”

“I bet she will,” said Olivia, grinning smugly.

“Is she pretty, like you?”

“Awww!” She ruffled his hair. “You’re so sweet. Yes, she’s even prettier. Her hair is curly like mine, but even longer.”

“I have a lot of aunts, now. I never had any before...” His face fell, and tears sprang to his eyes. “Before Momma and Daddy died.”

Olivia felt her own eyes glistening. She bent down to hug him, and he threw his arms around her, holding tight to her neck. She picked him up and held him tight, wishing she could squeeze away his pain. Then she started spinning him around, faster and faster. Soon his tears began to fade, and he dissolved into giggles as she got dizzy and collapsed with him onto the couch.

“Hey! You said you couldn’t pick me up.” His brows furrowed over his green eyes.

“Yes, but you hugged me and gave me super powers. I’m almost as strong as Aunt Charlie, now.”

“What about Charlie?” Josh spoke behind her.

“Oh, you startled me.” She ignored his suspicious glare. “Jace and I were just talking about all the aunts he has now.” She felt the blood rush to her face. She’d been caught already. She’d have to be more cautious or Josh would undermine her efforts.

“Aunt Charlie’s really strong,” Jace declared. “And she climbs rocks, too.”

“I see. That’s good to know.” Josh regarded Olivia with one eyebrow raised. “But did you know your Aunt Olivia is a nurse, and she’s going to be a doctor? I bet she can tell you all sorts of good stories about bloody things.”

“Really? I like blood and stuff. Have you seen somebody’s bones sticking out before? Or maybe a broken neck?” Jace asked, cranking his head sideways to demonstrate.

Olivia pretended to sniff the air. “Do I smell dinner? I’m starving. How about you, Jace?”

“Where’s Chloe?” asked Josh, as Jace dashed for the kitchen.

“I don’t know. She was just here. I don’t hear her.”

“Ah ha!” said Josh, scooping her up, with Olivia’s purse clutched tightly in her hands, while the remaining contents spilled onto the floor. Josh waited while Olivia rescued her belongings, much to Chloe’s dismay.

“I know what you were doing,” he said. “And it won’t work. I can’t marry Charlie.”