“No, don’t cut it! It’s beautiful.” Derek eyebrows twisted in a stricken expression.

She can’t cut it now,” Emily declared. “I bet her she couldn’t go without cutting it before she graduated from law school. Charlie took the bet, and she’s too competitive to lose.”

“So obviously, your stepfather doesn’t share his money with you, since your budget only allows for Chinese takeout,” said Derek.

“It’s not that he won’t share his money,” Emily explained. “He’s very generous. But, we were both raised with too much pride to feel comfortable taking handouts, so we try to be independent.”

Spencer squeezed Emily’s shoulder and chuckled. “Yes, between the Best Dating Rules and the Best family pride, we almost didn’t get together.”

“Best Dating Rules?” asked Derrick.

“We don’t need to get into that.” Charlie sent Spencer a warning glance, but he ignored her.

“Best—that’s Charlie’s last name, Emily’s maiden name. And their dating rules are extensive and complicated.”

“Spencer,” Charlie growled, “that’s enough.”

“But I think it’s only fair I know the rules,” said Derek.

“I know them,” said Hannah. “My sisters and I learned them when Spencer got engaged to Emily.”

“Not now, Hannah,” said Charlie. “The number one rule is a guy has to earn the right to learn the dating rules.”

“Okay. We’ll keep them a secret for now.”

“You’ll tell me over pizza, right?” Lance whispered to Hannah.

“I heard that,” said Charlie.

But Hannah giggled, giving him a little nod, at which Lance winked at Derek.

Evidently,” Charlie remarked, “no one in Spencer’s family can keep a secret.”

IT WAS FIVE A.M. BEFORE Josh got an opportunity to talk with Olivia at the hospital. He handed her a cup of coffee as they sank into adjacent chairs in the break-room, bleary-eyed and exhausted.

“One of those kids...” His voice cracked, and he couldn’t continue.

“I know.” Her voice was soft and full of sympathy. “He was only nine. Same as Jace. It was so sad.”

He heaved a shaky breath. “Sometimes I think I can’t keep doing this job. It’s great when you can save a life, but I hate when I feel powerless.” He realized his fears extended beyond the emergency room. He would soon be responsible for two lives, and he wouldn’t be able to protect them from every possible danger.

“I know what you mean.” They sat quietly for a few moments, staring at the bare white wall across from them.

“About tonight,” he said. “I promise I didn’t tell Spencer you were pregnant.”

“I know. And right now, all of that seems unimportant. This kind of puts everything in perspective.” Her voice dropped off. Only their breathing made a sound until she broke the silence with a chuckle. “But Spencer is gonna pay for making that comment in the restaurant, and he knows it. I bet he’s scared to death to go to dinner at the house tonight.”

“I almost feel sorry for him.”

“So... You get the kids today? And it’s okay if I don’t see them until Monday night?”

“Yes. I want a chance to spend time alone with them, anyway. I’m off work until Tuesday. Although, I could always get called in for something like this. I guess I’m going to need some backup.”

“You know, Josh,” she spoke in an earnest tone, laying her hand on his arm. “When you finally come clean about all this, your family will help you.”

He started to object. “I don’t have—”

“We’re your family. All of us. Spencer, Emily, Mom and Papa, my sisters, Brad. And you know Anne and Steven would do anything for you, as well. So don’t say you don’t have family.”