“Eight years difference,” Spencer insisted. “That’s a lot.”

“We’re not getting married, Spencer. We’re just going for pizza.”

As they continued to bicker, Derek spoke in a soft voice. “So can we go out on a date? I promise I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t planning to deal with dating while I was in law school.”

“Lucky for me you haven’t started school yet.” He winked.

Charlie groaned, but she couldn’t keep a straight face. “Okay. What did you have in mind?”

“Wednesday night? Nice dinner somewhere?”

“No, because I’m going to insist on paying half, and that’s not in my budget.”

“I don’t mind paying. I’m the one who’s asking you out.”

“It’s a long story, but trust me, I can’t let you pay. And no kissing, either.”

Derek pushed his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout. “But I’m suffering after a long, hard semester of studying in law school. Not even one little, tiny kiss?”

“Nope,” said Charlie. “I’m up for Chinese takeout and a rented movie, with no kissing. Take it or leave it.”

“I’m taking it. And just to get a jump on things, I have tickets to a musical on Saturday night. Can you go?”

“Sorry, I’m going skiing next weekend. We’ll be gone a week.”

“All of us are going,” said Hannah, almost bouncing with excitement. “On Steven’s jet! And he’s paying for the whole thing!”

“Steven?” asked Derek. “Your rich stepfather?”

“Yes,” said Charlie. “He’s taking our family and Spencer’s sisters, too.”

“Sounds like a great guy,” said Derek. “What did you say his last name was?”

Hannah started to respond, “Gher—”

“I didn’t say his last name,” Charlie said, cutting Hannah off.

Derek squinted at Charlie again. “Steven Gherring?”

Charlie moaned and hid her face in her hands.

“That’s it! I knew I’d seen you in a magazine. Your picture was in an article about Steven Gherring with his twin sons.” A self-satisfied smile emerged on his face. “Why didn’t you want me to know?”

“I don’t like attention.” Charlie tw

isted her mouth sideways. “I didn’t want anyone at Columbia to know.”

“We won’t tell anyone,” said Lance. “And New Yorkers are cool about celebrities, anyway. No one will bother you about it.”

“Seriously, no one will know or care,” said Derek. “It was just driving me crazy. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out where I’d seen your picture.”

“Usually my hair is in a ponytail,” said Charlie. “I don’t normally look like this.”

“No, it’s usually inside a hat,” Emily said.

“It’s getting so long I can’t get it all inside anymore,” complained Charlie. “I need to cut it.”