“Jenna Sanders, Ester Baldwin, Felicity Downing, Brianna Faulkner,” Olivia began naming girls, ticking them off on her fingers. She hid her amusement at his reaction, knowing that Josh wouldn’t find any of these choices the least bit attractive.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said through gritted teeth. “Those girls are... None of them are...”

She opened her eyes wide, feigning surprise. “It shouldn’t matter whether you’re attracted to them or not. You said yourself, it’s simply a business deal.”

“Yes, but I have to live with them and see them every day. And I’ll have to pretend to be in love when we’re in public. It’s a lot easier to do with a girl that’s beautiful like you are, than with... with a girl who’s... repugnant,” he finally spat out.

Olivia graced him with a serene smile. “Well, I’m flattered you think I’m beautiful. But surely you could think of some other girl who might be persuaded to marry you. Another girl you might find slightly attractive.”

“No, there isn’t anyone else. We have to make this work. Please!”

Olivia released an exaggerated gasp. “I just thought of someone.”

Suspicion flared in his eyes, and he responded with sarcasm. “Who are you going to suggest this time? Winnie Smith?” He named a fifty-year-old widow who worked on their floor at the hospital.

She leaned forward and motioned for him to put his ear close to her lips. “Why not Charlie?”

HIS HEART TUMBLED INSIDE his chest. Without thinking, his eyes slipped to where she was sitting across the table, her face deliberately turned away from them, clutching her sweater over her chest. He saw a man approach her, presumably to ask her to dance, and felt a surge of jealousy. But she shook her head and sent him on his way, as she turned to give all of her attention to a napkin on the table in front of her. His chest constricted at the thought of marrying Charlie. No. Was it possible? Would she consent to marry him? Was it possible she’d developed feelings for him after all this time? No. Her body responded to him, but not her heart. Only moments ago, she’d told him she was happy he was with Olivia. She would never trust him enough to marry him, even as a strictly platonic relationship.

“I’ve already told you that would never work.” He forced his eyes back to Olivia. “She’d never agree to it.”

“Maybe. But just hypothetically... Let’s say Charlie agreed to the same deal you offered me. You pay for a year of law school in exchange for a year of marriage. Of course, it wouldn’t be a real marriage. Strictly a business deal, totally non-sexual. Would you do it?”

Josh’s emotions battled within him. He tried to imagine himself living with Charlie, but not able to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her. Day after day. Wishing he could make love to her. It sounded agonizing. Better to marry Winnie Smith.

“No way. I couldn’t do it.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I said so. It just won’t work.”


“I said no!” his voice rose. Charlie’s gaze was drawn toward the outburst, before she averted her eyes.

He lowered his voice. “I considered the possibility before I even approached you. You’ll have to trust me on this—it won’t work.”


“This discussion is over.” He mustered all the authority he owned and crammed it into his words.

CHARLIE SWAM IN MISERY watching Josh and Olivia, who seemed to be in the midst of a heated discussion. She hoped Olivia hadn’t seen them dancing together after Josh rescued her. That might be all it took to convince Olivia she couldn’t trust Josh. And it wasn’t his fault he’d had to come to her rescue. If only she hadn’t worn this ridiculous dress that evidently made men feel she wouldn’t object to a little groping. If Olivia broke it off with Josh, she’d feel responsible.

A light bulb lit in her head. If Olivia saw her dancing with other guys, she would know Charlie wasn’t interested in Josh any longer. She turned and spotted the guy she’d previously blown off sitting at the table behind her. She steeled her nerves and approached his table.

The tall man with dark close-cropped hair and blue eyes appeared startled when Charlie tapped him on the shoulder. But his face brightened, and he accepted with a smile. He led her to the dance floor with a light touch of his hand at her waist. He seemed to be a nice guy, and Charlie noticed he was actually quite attractive, although she didn’t feel the startling physical response to him she had with Josh only moments before.

“I’m Derek, by the way.” His breath tickled her ear as he spoke over the loud music.

“And I’m Charlie.”

They danced for a while without further conversation, but Charlie did her best to paint an adoring expression on her face, for Josh’s benefit. When she grew too warm for the sweater, she dropped it off at the table, where Josh was now sitting alone. He did little to hide his scowl at her dance partner, who waited on the dance floor for her return. Fearing her lack of coverage would lead to a repeat of her earlier near disaster, she confronted Derek with a stern voice.

“Now you need to know that just because this dress is sleazy, it doesn’t mean I’m sleazy. So don’t try anything.”

“I would never try anything. And I don’t think you or your dress is sleazy. You look sexy and classy.”

“Sorry. I had a bad incident earlier tonight with a guy who got pretty handsy.”