JOSH HAD ALREADY SHOWERED and was preparing to tumble into bed, exhausted from a stressful day in the emergency room, when he received Olivia’s text.

Please come to Rend 27. Here with my sisters. Need dance partner.

He’d heard of Rendezvous Twenty-Seven. It was a hopping new club, the type he would have frequented in the old days. But after he’d met Charlie, he’d completely dropped out of the social scene. He swore as he glanced at the bed beckoning to him. He must be getting old. It was ten o’clock on Saturday night. He had to pick up the children in the morning at eleven. He would gladly have skipped dancing and gone straight to bed, but he was trying to do everything possible to make his potential wife happy. He sighed and texted her back.

He pulled on a pair of khakis and a shirt with a tie. He might be overdressed, but he didn’t want to chance being underdressed. He had no idea what Olivia was wearing. Luckily, the club was a short cab ride from his apartment, so he arrived at the club twenty minutes from the time he received Olivia’s text.

He squeezed through the crowd of people, searching for Olivia and her sisters. He scanned the nearby tables, without success. Then he thought he spotted her on the dance floor. But as he moved closer to her, passing between undulating bodies in the strobing lights, he realized the girl he’d seen from behind had longer hair than Olivia. He started to move away, when he noticed the swaying hair revealed a smooth bare back. The silky gold dress dipped down to drape softly across a tight bottom, and the legs extending from the hem of the dress seemed to go on forever.

He paused, allowing himself a moment to enjoy the view. He hadn’t let himself appreciate the beauty of the female form in a long time. He groaned inside, realizing he’d chosen a path for his life that allowed for no physical pleasure to assuage his needs any time in the near future. Only now, enjoying the view of this beautiful girl, did he recognize exactly how unpleasant that was going to be. Better he turn away, rather than stay and torture himself wishing for something that could never happen.

The girl’s dance partner evidently appreciated her form as well. Josh spied the man’s hand sliding gradually downward under her hair from the top of her back. As his fingers reached the small of her back, he attempted to slip beneath the fabric, but the girl quickly grabbed his hand and removed it. He watched as a bit of a struggling ensued, with the girl attempting to extricate herself from him, while he tightened his hold on her. When the guy became bolder still, pawing her with drunken hands while she fought against him, crying out, Josh stepped forward to intervene. Abruptly, the girl’s knee shot up in a violent jab, and the man grabbed himself, sinking to the floor.

Josh reached out and touched her arm. “Hey. Are you okay


She jumped and swirled around, her huge golden eyes wide and wet with tears. “Josh!” she exclaimed, throwing herself into his arms.

“Charlie?” He wrapped her trembling body in his arms without a second thought. He soothed her, murmuring, “It’s okay. You’re okay.” He guided her away from the collapsed figure, and they stood on the dance floor, swaying gently until she calmed down. His senses were heightened as he became aware of her soft form pressed against him, his body responding to the sensations despite his efforts to remain unaffected. The scent of her hair wafted through his nose, clean and fresh, with a hint of vanilla, and he fought to keep his head clear. He continued to calm her with quiet words, rubbing her back gently, his hands deliberately remaining high and far from temptation. But the feel of her smooth bare skin under his fingers was disconcerting to say the least.

“I told Emily this dress was a bad idea,” Charlie muttered. “He kept saying ‘You know you want it, baby!’”

Josh chuckled. “I guess he found out you really didn’t want it.” When her shaking stopped, he made no move to release her, permitting himself one last forbidden moment with Charlie in his arms. He almost gave in to his desire. If he tried to kiss her right now, he knew she wouldn’t stop him. He could sense her body’s response to him. It could be so good. But he needed a wife if he wanted to gain custody of Jace and Chloe. Their lives were more important than his needs. And Olivia was here, waiting for him.

Resolved, he pulled himself away from her, his body complaining at the loss of contact. “Are you here with Olivia?”

Her eyes widened and her face flushed. “Ohmygosh! Yes, she’s right over here.” She weaved her way with rapid steps across the crowded floor, leading him toward the table where Olivia was waiting. She stopped and turned back. “I’m so sorry, Josh. It wasn’t your responsibility to save me from my own stupidity. I shouldn’t have worn this awful dress.”

Before she could escape, he caught her arm and bent down to speak in her ear. “Charlie, that wasn’t your fault. He was a drunk and a jerk. Your dress is beautiful, and you’re beautiful in it.”

He tried to read the emotions on her face. Gratitude, embarrassment, maybe even desire, and something else. Was it regret? Sadness? Disappointment?

“Thanks, Josh. I... I want you to know that I... I wish you the best. You and Olivia. She’s a great girl, and you deserve each other.” She slipped from his grasp.

Upon reaching the table he noticed, with some regret, she donned a sweater that covered the expanse of her bare back.

Olivia had observed their approach with a broad smile. “Hi Josh.” Her voice was light and cheery. “Don’t you just love Charlie’s new dress?”

He frowned. Was she teasing him? Testing him to see if he’d remain faithful despite the fact that their marriage would be a business deal?

He pretended he hadn’t noticed the dress, glancing Charlie’s direction. “Sure. I guess it’s okay. But you look very nice tonight.” He bent down to give her a kiss, but she quickly turned her head, offering her cheek.

Olivia raised her eyebrow slightly and gave him a warning glare. “I thought I was clear about that.”

“If we’re engaged, we have to at least appear affectionate,” Josh whispered in her ear.

“Everyone’s going to know the whole story soon enough. Remember, I’m only committed for two weeks. Have you been working on an alternate plan?”

“There’s no good alternative. Remember? We discussed this. You’re my only real option.”

“You’ve tried reasoning with the grandparents?”

“No.” His voice darkened with his expression. “But it won’t work. It’s a waste of time.”

“I thought of some other nurses who’d agree to marry you.” Her eyes twinkled with secret mirth.
