“And how are you going to explain it when you show up on Gherring’s jet with Jace and Chloe?”

“I was just going to say they’re my niece and nephew, and not explain why they’re with me. No one’s even told Jace what’s going on.”

“And I’m supposed to act like I’m in love with you whenever I’m around the kids? Including the whole time we’re on the ski trip?”

“Will it be such a hard thing to do?”

Olivia was incensed at his teasing grin. “It’s getting harder all the time.”

“Jace will be so excited about everything going on, he won’t notice whether you and I are acting lovey-dovey or not. He’s only nine.”

“Okay, fine.” Abruptly she changed her tone. “We can discuss that patient’s medications after I check the vitals, Dr. Branson,” she said for the benefit of the nurse who arrived behind Josh. “Hi, Rachel. I like your earrings.”

Rachel’s face flamed bright red, as Josh turned around to look at her. She covered her mouth with her hand, her cackle ringing out, echoing down the hallway.

Olivia wondered why she’d never noticed Rachel’s hyena laugh before.

CHARLIE WAS TOTALLY worn out. After a week of keeping Micah and Ellis, she was glad for the weekend break.

“I don’t know how Mom and Steven do it,” she told Emily and Spencer, as she helped set the table for dinner. “Day after day. I mean, I love the boys, but they wear me out. I’m sure I’ll miss them, but I definitely need Saturday and Sunday to recover.”

“I know what you mean,” Emily agreed. “After I babysit the twins, I just fall into bed and go straight to sleep. They never stop moving.”

“Well, I really appreciate y’all cooking dinner for me tonight. Hopefully, I won’t pass out and drop my head into my bowl of chili.”

“So are you coming over to Mom and Papa’s house for Sunday night dinner?” asked Spencer.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Charlie said with a wink. “Sunday dinners are one of the main reasons I moved to New York. What are you cooking?”

“I’m making lasagna.”

“But he makes real lasagna, from scratch,” Emily hastened to explain.

“Really?” Charlie grinned. “I thought lasagna only came from the frozen food section.”

The chili was consumed quickly, with moans of appreciation coming from Charlie. “Ohmygosh! This is so awesome. I haven’t had good chili in forever.”

“It’s especially good when you add the extra onions and cheese and sour cream,” said Emily.

“I know,” Charlie agreed. “I usually skip the onions, but I don’t need to worry about my breath tonight. No one’s getting that close to me any time soon.”

“We should remedy that,” Emily declared. “Do you want to go out dancing Saturday night? I bet Hannah and Claire would go with us.”

“But not Olivia?” Charlie queried.

“Uhmm, she might. But you know... She’s been working a lot of extra shifts and all...”

Charlie gave her sister a measuring look. “Or is it because of the Olivia and Josh thing? Did you find out they really are getting married? Because you can tell me—I’m totally over him.”

Emily hesitated, exchanging glances with Spencer. “No. We still don’t know if they’re going to get married. And, we both think it’s a bad idea.”

“Why is that?”

“Uhmm...” Emily screwed up her face. “Because...”

“Because he doesn’t love her,” declared Spencer. “And he’s a jerk!”

“Spencer,” Emily scolded.