“Adeline is so cute. I can’t believe she’s a month old already.” Charlie wore a wistful smile. And she’s already got Brad wrapped around her little finger.”

Josh fed another log into the roaring fire. “I suppose everyone has noticed my fire is still burning.”

“Your fire?” Charlie mocked.

“Yes, my fire. The one I made from all the heavy logs I carried inside all by myself.”

“Awww. Poor baby. Are you tired from carrying all that weight for a sum-total of... what... maybe five or ten minutes? Try carrying this weight around for nine months! Ughh! My back hurts!”

He shrugged. “About the same, right? One fire. One baby.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“No, you’re right. The fire was much harder. One baby. Twenty logs.”

“Nine minutes. Nine months, all day and all night.”

In his best Lord of the Rings, dwarfish imitation Josh said, “That still only counts as one!”

Unable to hold a straight face, Charlie started chuckling.

“Made you laugh—I win!” Josh said, as she pummeled him playfully on his arm.

Spencer approached, balancing three mugs of hot chocolate. “I’ve brought your beverages as ordered.” He handed one to Anne and then gave Charlie and Emily their cups.

“My back is killing me,” said Charlie, as she tried to find a comfortable position to sit.

“I know,” said Emily. “Mine, too! I keep trying to shift this boy around. I think he’s jabbing his heels into my spine. He’s probably got big feet like his dad.”

“Sorry about that.” Spencer grinned with no hint of repentance.

“It seems like before, I could walk around or lay down with my feet up, and my back would feel better. But I guess maybe the baby’s so big that there’s just no room for her anymore.” Charlie grimaced as she pressed her hands on her lower back. She glowered at Josh where he sat with a smug smile, watching her squirm. “Why don’t you make yourself useful? Can’t you rub my back for me or something?”

“How about if I time your labor pains for you instead?”

“This isn’t...” Her eyes grew big. “Do you really think it could be?”

Anne jumped up from her chair, almost spilling her hot chocolate. “I had back labor with the twins.”

“I’ve been watching. It seems like you’re grabbing your back about every five minutes or so,” said Josh.

“Really?” said Charlie. “Yay! Finally! And I get to beat Emily!”

“Should you go to the hospital?” Emily’s smile stretched from ear to ear.

“Probably soon,” said Josh. “It’ll take about thirty minutes to get there from here.”

“You should call Jace in,” said Charlie. “He’s been so excited about doing his job.”

“Jace! It’s time!” Josh called out.

Jace came running in two seconds, flat. “It’s time? Now?” He glanced from Josh to Charlie.

Josh nodded. “It’s time.”

Jace disappeared and reappeared a short moment later, totally out of breath. “I’ve got the bag. It’s ready to go! Are we going to the hospital?”

Emily stood and motioned Jace over to her. “We’ll probably follow behind your mom and dad in just a few minutes. That way we won’t have to wait so long at the hospital. You don’t mind riding with us, do you?” Suddenly, Emily’s face turned ashen. “Ohmygosh!”