“But do you think we should postpone it?” She flattened her hand on her chest, attempting to calm her pounding heart, shifting from one foot to the other to cover the all-too-obvious trembling of her knees. “I mean, I guess we don’t have any reason to rush into it anymore. And since I already told everyone to cancel everything...”

His face was a picture of grim determination as he rose, taking a single step toward her. She worked to peel her dry tongue from the roof of her mouth while backing away. He moved forward again, and she matched his steps in reverse until she was against the wall. All at once his presence seemed to overwhelm her. He seemed...

Too tall.

Too broad.

Too hard.

Too masculine.

And way too determined!

His green eyes gleamed with hunger, as he lifted her chin with the gentle pressure of his fingers. She thought her heart might burst from her chest when he lowered his head toward her, coming closer... and closer. Against her will, her eyes closed and her lips parted in anticipation as she awaited his kiss.

She waited.

And waited.

Though he was so close she could feel the heat radiating from his body, he still held himself away from her. Was he tort

uring her? She released a tiny frustrated whimper and was rewarded by the lightest touch of his lips on hers. Her breath came in small pants as he teased her mouth, brushing his lips against hers. She surged toward him, pressing her body against his. The feel of his slate-hard muscles against her sent a thrill up her spine. His hand slipped behind her head to tangle in her hair, and his kiss deepened, strong and demanding. His tongue slipped between her lips and tangled with hers... stroking... dancing.

She surrendered to him, and he ravaged her mouth. Meanwhile, his other hand traced a teasing line along her jaw and down to the pulsing hollow on her neck. When his mouth moved to trace the downward track of his fingers on her skin, she stretched her neck, allowing him access. His lips left a scalding path in their wake. She melted, collapsing into a boneless puddle, supported only by his strong arms.

“Charlie?” he whispered.

“Yes?” came her breathy reply, her eyes still closed as she reveled in the reverberations of the kiss.

“I’d really like to stick to our original wedding date in two weeks.” He returned his mouth to the tender hollow of her neck, breathing the words against her skin. “Will that be okay?”


His lips claimed hers once again, swallowing her moaning response. A craving urge rippled from her head to her core, and she shivered despite the heat that pulsed inside.

His voice held a lilt of humor. “I’m sorry... What did you say? I didn’t quite hear you.”

“Yes,” she gasped. “Anything you want.”

“I’m so glad to hear you say that.” His eyes twinkled and his mouth quirked. Supporting her with one arm, he reached with the other to push the elevator button. The floor beneath her feet rumbled to life. She straightened, and they rode in silence as she took deep breaths to slow her heart and regain her composure. She made a half-hearted attempt to pull away, but his arm was an anaconda. The pounding beat of her blood was so loud in her ears she couldn’t hear her own thoughts. What had just happened? Had she really agreed to marry him in two weeks? She glanced to her side where Josh stood in cool control, wearing an extremely self-satisfied grin.

“So... I guess this means I won this round, right? Since you gave in and consented to marry me right away?”

“No way! This was my plan all along. I actually won this round.” Her competitive spirit trumped her fearful contemplation.

“Ha! Nice try. You have to admit you lost. I got my way and proved my superior powers of persuasion.”

“Then does that mean I won every previous round for the past two years?”

“No. I think the past two years only counts as one round.”

“No way—”

He swallowed her answer with another fierce kiss as the elevator doors opened. Again, she felt her willpower leave her as she succumbed to the thrill of pleasure coursing throughout her body. When he drew his lips away, she blinked through a fog of desire.

She muttered as he led her stumbling off the elevator.

“You cheat.”