“That’s not mine,” said Derek. “Give it here!” He lunged for it, but Collin jumped up and ran around the table.

“Oh, I see. It’s a text message. Someone’s sexting him,” Collin chuckled. “Who is she, Derek?”

“Collin, stop! Give me the phone. It’s a legal matter.”

“Give it back, Collin,” said Grace. “We don’t want to look at that.”

“It’s Josh’s phone,” said Charlie. “That’s Josh’s phone.” She snatched it from Collin and stared at the image on the text. “Who is this? Why is...” Her voice caught in her throat.

“Charlie,” said Derek. “It’s not his fault. She’s stalking him.”

“Then why did he save these pictures?”

“Oh, Charlie. It’s that crazy nurse from Colorado. Josh is just trying to figure out how to stop her.” Olivia reached to take the phone from her hand.

Charlie dropped the phone in Olivia’s hand, retreating from the table. She had to get away from everyone. She needed time to process. It wasn’t the fact some girl was sexting him. The pictures only reminded her of what she already knew. Josh had been with so many women in the past—sexy, curvy, voluptuous women. With her boyish body, she could never compete. She could never satisfy Josh Branson.

Chapter Twenty-One

“WHERE’S CHARLIE?” JOSH arrived at the table, irritated at the necessity of abandoning her right after her traumatic experience.

Olivia’s face was creased with worry. “I don’t know, Josh. She got upset and left. Emily and Grace went looking for her, and they haven’t come back yet.”

“I’m sorry, Josh,” said Derek. “It was Collin who stuck that picture under her nose.”

“What are you talking about? What picture?”

“That sexting picture on your phone. He showed it to Charlie.”

“But that’s not my fault! That nurse is insane. Does Charlie think we have a relationship? Didn’t you tell her?”

“I tried to explain, Josh, but she walked away. And then she just disappeared.” Olivia squeezed his arm. “She’s probably fine. You know, she was upset after the incident with Dr. Arrington. That’s probably all it is.”

But he had a sinking feeling things were not fine with Charlie. Why was it he couldn’t catch a break with her? It was like the universe was conspiring against them. Every time he thought they were going to end up together, something happened to tear them apart.

“She’s not back yet?” Emily returned with Grace in tow. “We can’t find her anywhere. Spencer and Brad struck out, too.”

“If anyone finds her, call me.” Josh snatched his phone from Olivia and bounded for the door.

CHARLIE HAD NEVER FELT so out of control in her life. She had to think logically. After the emotional trauma of the night, she’d jumped on Josh’s promise of love. But the picture on his phone had reminded her of just what Josh would be giving up to be with her. He would soon tire of her boyishly thin body. He would probably remain faithful, despite his discontent. But in her heart she knew he would be disappointed with her.

Still hugging Josh’s coat over her disheveled dress, she wandered aimlessly down the hallway until she finally slipped down the side elevator to the lobby floor. She found her way into the ladies’ room and glimpsed herself in the mirror. With a wet paper towel, she rubbed away the remaining mascara that smeared her face. Her lashes were still wet with tears that seemed to drip in an unending stream from her eyes. Her disheveled hair was beyond repair, so she pulled out the remaining pins allowing her curls to cascade down. She examined her dress, hoping to find a way to make the tape once again hold it in its proper place. But the cause was hopeless, with the dress shifting at the slightest movement. Abandoning the tape, she pulled Josh’s tuxedo jacket more firmly around her front, and sighed at her image. She looked just like she felt. Traumatized. Lost. Hopeless.

Charlie exited the restroom and wandered to the lobby entrance. Perhaps her best move would be to flee for the safety of her apartment. There she could think without Josh’s disturbing presence muddling her mind. She loved him so much it hurt to be near him. His happiness was the most important thing, and she knew she could never truly make him happy.

With plans to call her sister to alleviate her worry, Charlie pushed through the outer doors, hoping to catch a taxi.

“Steven Gherring’s stepdaughter!” a voice exclaimed as a flash blinded her. Disconcerted, she rushed back inside, but the social reporters followed her, shouting out questions about the incident with the police.

Charlie’s heart raced and she hurried toward the elevator. But the journalist was close behind her with a cameraman snapping pictures. When the elevator door opened, he followed her on. Panicking, she exited the elevator but found her escape blocked. Like a deer in headlights, she froze, her mind as numb and unresponsive as her lips.

Shouting ensued from behind, and she felt strong arms wrap around her. Startled, she struggled until she realized it was Josh. All thought of running from him evaporated. She turned, clinging to him as if he were her lifeline. He backed her into the elevator and stood bodily in the doorway as it closed behind them, glaring over his shoulder at the flashing cameras with a ferocity that must have convinced the reporters to abandon their quest.

The only sound she could hear was that of her blood pulsing in her ears. Just as her terror at the paparazzi assault was ending and her frazzled nerves should have been settling down, she became hyper-aware of the sensation of Josh’s body against hers. It felt so good and so right. But it was a bad idea to get comfortable in his arms.

“Are you okay?” His soothing voice broke the quiet as his arms stroked her back and he peppered her hair with tender kisses.

She stiffened and tried to push away, but his arms held her fast. “Josh, this isn’t a good idea.”