“I certainly hope you see me as more than an assignment.”

“Oh, poor choice of words. That does sound rather like I might view you as a duty or an obligation. Perhaps a better term would be reward, prize, remuneration or even bonus??


“I was thinking you might call it an opportunity or even an honor?”

“The culmination of a lifelong dream?”

“Too much.” She laughed.

“The pinnacle of blessing?”

“Yes, much better.”

Grace slipped into Olivia’s vacated chair next to Josh.

“Hey Josh. Time to figure out your plan of action.”

His face never emerged from his hands. “It’s no use. I screwed it up, and she’s even angrier than before. And I don’t even know what I did wrong the first time.”

“Don’t think of it as right or wrong. Think of it as an ocean of emotions. You have to ride the waves in your little lifeboat until you get on the ship of true love.”

He put his hands down and stared at her like she’d lost her mind. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Charlie is a girl, Josh.”

“Don’t you think I’ve noticed?”

“She may use a boy’s name and she may compete with the guys, but she still thinks like a girl.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means she loves you and she wants to get married, but she’s afraid you don’t really love her, so she’s pretending she doesn’t love you, so she can reject you before you reject her. Surely, you can see that?”

Josh’s eyes crossed. “No, I can’t see that. Who could possibly see that? I see she broke off the engagement, and she won’t take my phone calls, and she’s dancing with another man, wearing next to nothing.”

“But Josh...”

“But nothing! If she wants me, I’m right here. She knows where to find me.”

“But you came with another woman. She can’t admit she wants you, now she knows you came with another woman.”

“Well she came with another man, so what am I supposed to do? Humble myself and fall at her feet begging?”

Grace looked as if she were considering his idea.

“Forget it—I’m not doing it.”

“Josh, I was just kidding. You don’t have to beg. She’s not even with Derek, and that’s who she came with. She’s only out there with Dr. Arrington because she wants to make you jealous.”

“Well she isn’t making me jealous.” His face crumpled. “She’s killing me.”

Olivia and Derek returned to the table, breathless and laughing. “Hey, Josh,” said Olivia. “Let me see your cell phone. I want to ask Derek what you can do about that crazy nurse sexting you.”

He pulled the phone from his pocket, slapping it in Olivia’s hand. “Whatever—I don’t want to get embroiled in some legal battle, though.”

“By the way, Josh,” said Derek. “I didn’t realize what had happened between you two until Olivia told me just now. I’m sorry, buddy. There’s nothing between Charlie and me, you know.”