“Hello, Iris.” Arrington flashed a tight-lipped smile while narrowing his eyes at Josh. “So you’re here with Dr. Branson tonight?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’m here with Josh.”

Arrington brushed off his lapels. “Excuse me, but I was in the middle of a conversation with Ms. Best when Dr. Branson so rudely interrupted.” He bent low to Charlie, offering his hand. “Ms. Best? Perhaps you’d do me the honor of a dance?” He gestured toward the nearby dance area, where numerous couples were already scattered across the floor.

During the moment’s hesitation, Josh prayed she would reject his offer. But Iris spoke into the awkward silence. “Oh Josh! Could we dance, too? I love to dance!”

Charlie popped up from her chair as if she’d been ejected. “I’d be happy to dance with you, Jack.” She handed Josh his tuxedo jacket and took Arrington’s arm, permitting herself to be escorted away.

Josh watched her walk, taking in the impossible length of slim firm legs exposed by the short dress, before sinking into her vacated chair and dropping his face into his hands.

Iris had her hands on her hips. “Aren’t we going to dance, Josh?”

“No,” he muttered between his fingers.

“If you’d like to dance, I’m always available to escort a beautiful maiden in distress.” Collin held out his hand to Iris with an impish grin on his face. “Collin Sterling, at your service.”

Josh could feel her questioning gaze, but he couldn’t drum up enough interest to open his eyes.

“Thank you, Collin. I’d be happy to dance with you.” She spoke with righteous indignation. “After all, it’s New Year’s Eve, and I came here to party.”

GRACE WATCHED THE PROCEEDING from across the table. “I can’t believe Josh brought that bimbo to the party tonight,” she remarked to Brad. “Why would he bring a date?”

“It was my idea,” said Brad. “I told him Charlie would probably have a date, so he needed to fight back.”

“Your idea! Good grief! You’ve just driven her away from him.”

“I didn’t drive her away. She’d already turned him down and called off the wedding.”

“Yes, but of course she didn’t really mean it.”

“What do you mean, she didn’t mean it?” asked Brad. “She canceled the wedding and refused to talk to him.”

“Yes, but that was only because she was confused. All she needed was for Josh to prove he was in love with her, and she would’ve gone right back to him.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“No, but she didn’t have to tell me. It’s so obvious. Ask Emily.”

Brad raised a questioning eyebrow at Emily.

“Grace is right. It’s so obvious—Charlie’s just afraid, that’s all.”

“She’s afraid? I tell you who’s afraid. I’m afraid. How can a man ever do anything right when women send these secret signals that are only obvious to other women?”

Grace shook her head in sympathy “Tsk, tsk... “That’s why you have me, dear. You only need to ask me, and I’ll tell you what to do. But you mustn’t try to make these decisions without me anymore. Always ask.” Both girls laughed.

“It’s really not funny,” said Spencer. “I’ve had to deal with this my whole life—four sisters.”

“I’m kind of worried about Charlie dancing with Jack Arrington,” said Brad. “He’s got a terrible reputation, and he drinks too much.”

“I bet Charlie can handle him. She’s not afraid to kick him where it counts,” said Emily. “But what should we do now?” Emily pointed with her eyes across the table where Josh sat with his face buried in his hands.

“Just leave it to me.” Grace circled around to whisper in Olivia’s ear, and she nodded in response.

“Hey Derek.” Olivia pulled his attention away from the dance floor with a wink. “Let’s dance.”

“Are you guys changing my assignment again?”