“Oh no! I don’t want to block the dress in the pictures.”

“But don’t you think it’s just a bit scandalous, Gram?” Emily asked.

“Nothing compared to some I’ve worn in my past.”

“Really Gram?” said Emily. “Can we look at pictures someday?”

“If you don’t think the shock will be too much for you.” Gram called Spencer up for pictures and sent Charlie to fetch her parents.

Keeping her arms crossed to cover as much skin as possible, Charlie made her way to where her mom was standing with Steven. “Hey Mom, Gram wants the two of you to come for pictures.”

“Okay, Charlie. We’ll b—” Her word ended in a cough. “Charlie? You look very... very... I don’t know what to say. That’s not your usual style, is it? It’s a beautiful dress, but—”

“This is Gram’s doing. She said she couldn’t get her money back for the wedding dress, so she had this one tailored for me. I’m so embarrassed I could die.”

Her mom wiped the smile off her face and patted her elbow. “Listen, you can pull this off. Pretend you’re an actress in a play. You’re just playing a role. If you look confident, people won’t notice. Well, at least they won’t notice you’re embarrassed. Keep your head high and your eyes up.”

“I’m trying. Just grab Dad, and let’s go get this picture over with.”

Anne tapped his shoulder. “Steven? Your Gram wants to borrow you for a minute.”

He excused him

self from his friends and turned to follow Anne, but then he spotted the dress. “Jeez! Charlie? Your... uhmm...”

“Gram bought this dress and made her wear it,” said Anne. “So be sure to direct any criticisms you have toward her and not toward Charlie.”

“I’m not criticizing it. I just feel like... Good grief... I feel like a dad. I think I need to get my shotgun and wave it around.”

“Sounds like something my dad would say. Maybe we’ll turn you into a Texan someday. Here Charlie, walk in the middle, and we’ll block for you.”

Charlie suffered through the rest of the pictures and escaped back to the table. Steven seemed to be scolding Gram, whose smug expression never wavered.

“Wow!” Derek grinned. “I had no idea what you were hiding under your coat. You look hot!”

“It wasn’t my idea.”

“Well, whoever had the idea, I think it’s great. Oh, please don’t put the coat back on. Really Charlie—have mercy on me. Now I’ve seen you in that dress, please don’t hide it.”

“I don’t know, Charlie,” Olivia jibed. “I’m not sure we have enough napkins to sop up all the drool.”

“I promise to keep my saliva to myself,” said Derek.

“Seriously, Charlie,” said Olivia. “Why so sexy tonight?”

“My Gram bought the dress and paid to have it fitted. I didn’t have any choice.”

“It’s true,” Emily confirmed. “You’ve all met Gram. You know she’s an unstoppable force.”

“I love that woman,” Derek declared.

“Well, hel-lo Char-lie!” She started at a voice behind her and turned to see Collin Stewart. He let out a low whistle as his eyes raked over her from top to bottom. “Mama Mia! Let me see your hand.” She frowned in confusion as he reached for her left hand and held it out before his eyes. “There is a God in heaven! Still no engagement ring and no Josh to be seen.”

“She’s here with me,” said Derek.

“You’re engaged to him, now?” asked Collin.

“I’m not engaged to anyone, but Derek is my date tonight.”