“The food looks fabulous. Let’s go through the buffet and grab a table. Look, there’s Olivia with Hannah and Claire.” Grace waved at her sisters, and they all moved through the buffet.

“It’s hot in here.” Olivia fanned her face. “Charlie, I can’t believe you still have your coat on.”

“I’m cold-natured.” She ignored her sister’s amused chuckle. Sweating under her trench, she knew she’d eventually have to shed it. Maybe the room would be so crowded no one would notice the dress.

“You didn’t get much to eat,” Derek remarked, observing Charlie’s sparse plate as they moved toward the tables.

“I’m not hungry tonight for some reason.” Her stomach churned at the thought of eating, knowing Josh could walk in the door at any moment.

The group of friends claimed one of the large round tables. Charlie parked herself between Derek and Olivia, picking at her food and attempting to listen to the chatter, but her eyes kept drifting toward the entrance.

“He’s coming,” Olivia remarked, with a half-smile at Charlie.

“Who?” She feigned innocence.

“Josh, of course. And he’s bringing a date.”

“Oh? That’s nice. That certainly didn’t take long.” She hated the bitter note that crept into her voice.

“You’re here with a date, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Yes, I certainly am. I’m here with a date, and I’m glad Josh is moving on.”

“Oh yes. The two of you are certainly moving on.” She rolled her eyes. “One would think you had no affection whatsoever. I’m sure you’ve barely even thought about each other all day. And the fact he tried to call you a hundred times and sent you about a million texts means nothing whatsoever.”

“That’s right. It doesn’t.” Charlie lifted her chin for emphasis.

“Don’t look now, but here comes your Gram.”

“Oh, no!”

“What’s wrong? You love Gram, don’t you?”

“Usually I do, but not tonight.” She ducked her head down. “Hide me!”

Gram swept up to the table. Behind her was a man in a black suit, holding a large, expensive-looking camera.

“Emily. Charlie. I’m here to get our picture. Let’s get one with the three of us, and then I want one with Emily and Spencer. And I’d like to get one with your mom and dad and Gus as well. Come on, quickly. Up, up!”

She bit back a protest, moving to stand beside Gram and her sister. Maybe she could keep her coat on.

“Of course you’ll need to take your coat off, Charlie. I had Steven crank up the thermostat so you’d be comfortable in the new dress I bought for you.”

“Gram, I’m really grateful, but the dress is a little too revealing.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t have bought you that dress if you hadn’t suddenly canceled the wedding plans. I had to trade so I wouldn’t waste the money.” Gram crossed her arms and somehow managed to look down her nose at Charlie, despite being about eight inches shorter.

With her back to the table, she tried to slip off the coat without attracting any attention.

“Holy Toledo, Charlie!” Derek exclaimed, and everyone at the table turned to follow his gaze. She could hear little gasps of surprise and murmured remarks, but refused to make eye contact with any of them.

Emily grinned as the cameraman snapped the pictures. “It’s a good thing I didn’t add any blush to your makeup.”

“Shut up, Emily,” muttered Charlie from the corner of her mouth, which was forced into a semblance of a smile.

“Here Charlie,” said Gram. “Come stand next to me. I want to be in the middle.”

“You’re so short, Gram. Why don’t you just stand in front of us?” Charlie suggested.