“Yes, Iris. You can call me Josh.”

“I’ve been wishing you would ask me out for years, but you probably never noticed. I mean, I’ve gone out with a lot of the other single doctors, but you were the one I really wanted to date. I think we’re really compatible, you and me.”

“I’m sure we’ll have a very nice time, tonight.”

“Hopefully, this will be the first of many.” She batted her lashes. “I was so disappointed when I heard you were engaged to that patient. I thought I’d lost my chance. Not to be mean to her or anything, but I’m glad it didn’t work out. I think doctors and nurses make the best couples, anyway. She wasn’t a nurse was she?”

“No, she wasn’t.”

“I didn’t think so. I didn’t know for sure, but I went in her room once. She didn’t ask the kind of questions nurses usually ask, and she was too nice. You know what I mean? Nurses are usually kind of bossy when they’re patients. So I thought she was a little too nice to be a nurse. And what would you have to talk about if you were married to a non-nurse? You being a doctor and all? You’d probably want to talk about medicine, and she wouldn’t be able to talk about it. That’s why I think doctors and nurses make the best couples.”

“I see.”

“But me, I’m good at any kind of conversation really. I mean, I’ve dated a lot of doctors, but I’ve also dated attorneys, and a Senator, and even a shoe-salesman.” She ticked off the words on her fingers. “And we never had any problem talking. Especially the shoe-salesman, b

ecause I know a lot about shoes. And I watch a lot of television shows, so I can talk about stuff like trials and closing arguments and election scandals and all sorts of stuff. But you know it’s easier with a doctor, since that’s what I know best. Do you watch that television show, Doctors and Lawyers?”


“You should. Even you could learn a lot from that show. They do stuff all the time that I think, ‘Wow, I don’t even remember that from nursing school!’ You know what I mean? It’s like they have these extreme emergencies and sometimes the doctors mess up and the lawyers have to prove that they messed up. It’s really exciting, and I’ve been told I look just like the lead attorney on the show. I even sent in my picture to one of those look-alike contests. I haven’t heard back yet, but I think I have a good chance of winning.”

“I see.”

“I’m so excited to be going to Steven Gherring’s New Year’s Eve Party. I can’t believe it. Do you think the society reporters will be there?”

“I guess it’s possible.”

“I don’t guess Steven Gherring will actually be at this party. Wouldn’t it be a trip if we got to meet him? I’d probably be so nervous I’d be totally tongue-tied and not be able to think of anything at all to say.”

“Somehow, I doubt it.”

“Oh! You’re so sweet. Thank you, Josh. We’re going to have such a great time tonight.”


Chapter Twenty

“WOULD YOU LIKE TO CHECK your coat?” The perky-faced girl held out open hands toward Charlie at the entrance of the hotel ballroom where the Gherring Inc. party was located.

“No thanks. I’ll just keep it.”

“Are you sure, Charlie?” Derek asked. “It’s pretty hot in here.”

“She can always check it later,” said Emily. “Let’s get out of the doorway.”

“I see Grace and Brad,” said Spencer. “They’re waving at us.”

Charlie followed behind her sister, weaving through the various groups of people who’d already arrived. She scanned the crowd for Josh, trying to appear casual in her search. She wanted to see him, but she didn’t want to see him. Steven’s words tumbled around in her head. She wanted it to be true, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.

“Charlie, you’re certainly very tall tonight,” said Grace. “What are those, like four-inch heels?”

“Grace, everyone looks tall to you,” teased Brad. “And your heels are just as high as Charlie’s.”

“Charlie wears heels because she’s always competing. She wanted to be taller than me tonight,” said Emily.

“Not true,” said Charlie. “I wanted to be taller than Derek.”

“I won that contest. I still have you beaten by a few inches.” Derek grinned.