“Maybe I can just keep my coat on all night.”

“It’s not so bad, Charlie.” She tried to keep a straight face, but a chortle escaped. It built into a chuckle, and soon both sisters dissolved into laughter.

Spencer joined them, shrugging on his suit coat. “What’s so funny? Whoa! Where’s the rest of your dress?”

“Shut up, Spencer,” said Emily. “That’s the dress Gram bought her. She has to wear it. Tell her it’s not that bad.”

“It’s not that bad,” he affirmed, folding his lips to hide an obvious smile. “It’s not bad at all. It’s just a little... uhmm...”

“Slutty?” Charlie supplied.

“No. I was going to say sexy, but I thought I might get in trouble with my wife.”

“You can handle it, Charlie. You can do sexy. Just don’t think about it, and you’ll be fine.” Emily patted her arm.

“But I think I might need to sock Derek in the jaw,” said Spencer.

“What for?” asked Charlie.

“For ogling my sister-in-law, because I know he’s going to do it.”

“You might end up fighting every guy at the party,” said Emily. “Including yourself. Stop staring!” She hit him teasingly.

He put his hand on his chin, holding his elbow as he studied the dress. “Hmmm... I was just considering something. After the party tonight, can Emily borrow your dress? I think I’d enjoy—ow!” He laughed as both sisters pelted his arms with their fists. A knock at the door interrupted the attack.

“That’s gonna be Derek,” said Emily.

“Wait!” yelled Charlie. “Let me put my coat back on.”

“But he’s going to see the dress eventually,” said Spencer.

“I may not take my coat off all night,” said Charlie, buttoning her trench in the nick of time.

“I’m here, ready and waiting to be used again.” Derek’s grin was infectious. “I’m growing accustomed to my new role as a boy-toy. Whose boyfriend am I supposed to be tonight?”

“I told you this morning, you’re with me tonight,” said Charlie.

“I know you said that. However, several hours have lapsed since our earlier conversation. I thought perhaps you’d changed your mind.”

“In Charlie’s defense,” Emily said. “She wasn’t the one who kept changing your assignment on the ski trip.”

“True. Most of the time, she was in the dark. But I thought everything was all worked out and everyone was happy in the end, with you and Josh together. Have you already broken up again?”

“Yes, we broke up, and I don’t want to talk about it. I just need you to help keep him away from me tonight.”

“I’ll do my best—especially if I get to kiss you again. I’ve made sure my mouth is minty-fresh, just in case. But if he pulls a knife on me, I refuse to sacrifice my body for you. Not unless you commit to marry me, in which case I’ll lay down my life in your defense.”

“Are you asking me to marry you?” Charlie smirked.

“Would you consent, if I were?”

“Of course. Do you think we could elope before law school starts in January?”

“I’ll try to get a reservation with the Justice of the Peace. Or perhaps we should fly to Vegas? In fact, let’s skip this party and fly away now, before you change your mind again.”

“Can y’all discuss your wedding plans on the way to the party?” Emily drawled. “We’re going to be late.”

“I’M SO EXCITED YOU asked me to your party tonight,” Iris gushed. “You look so nice in your tuxedo, Josh. Is it okay if I call you Josh, instead of Dr. Branson?”