“I think you may have the water so muddied-up you’re in danger of throwing away something you don’t believe is in there.”


“You don’t believe he loves you. What if you’re wrong? Look for it in that muddy water before you decide to throw out the whole relationship without giving him a chance. I believe he loves you very much.”

Her eyes began to well up, and one fat tear streaked down her cheek. She whispered, “It just hurts too much if I get my hopes up.”

Steven pulled her into his arms. “I know, sweetie. But it’s going to be okay.”

“I don’t usually cry,” she sniffed. “But I’ve cried so much these past few weeks. Why does love have to make you so unhappy?”

“I don’t know. But it’s worth it in the end. Don’t give up.”

She nodded and wiped her face with her coat sleeve. “I need to go get ready for the party.”

“You’re riding over with Emily and Spencer?”

“Yes, I’m riding with them and Derek.”

Steven hid his surprise. “Okay. We’ll see you at the party.”

“YOUR HAIR LOOKS PRETTY,” said Emily as she inspected her sister’s coif, a careless-looking bun with a few curly tendrils escaping to frame her face. “And I like that you put on a little makeup. Just mascara? Can I add a tiny bit of blush and some lip-gloss?”

“Just a little. I don’t want to look like a clown.”

“Come on, Charlie. I wouldn’t do that to you. I hardly wear any makeup, either. Why don’t you take your coat off until Derek gets here?”

“Uhmm... I can’t take it off.”

“Why not?”

“This dress. Gram bought it for me. It’s... It’s nothing.”

“If it’s nothing, then let me see it.”

“No, you don’t understand. I mean, it’s nothing. There’s nothing to this dress.”

“It can’t be that bad. Let me see it.”

“You’re gonna laugh.” She unbuttoned her coat and opened it, dropping it off her shoulders.

“Ohmygosh, Charlie!”

“Shhhh! Not so loud—Spencer will hear you. What am I going to do? Gram paid a fortune for this dress, and she expects me to wear it.”

“You have to wear it. But ohmygosh!”

“I know.”


“Can’t you say something else?”

“Josh is going to have a fit when he sees you in that dress. Especially since you’re going to be with Derek.”

“Oh. That’s the other thing. Evidently, Gram is trying to fix me up with Collin at the party tonight. She told the dressmaker she hoped Collin would like this dress.”

“Well, I can guarantee you Collin is going to like this dress. You’re going to need a can of mace to keep the guys away.”