“Yes, I had to. It was the right thing to do,” said Charlie.

“How do you figure?”

“He only promised to marry me because of the kids. He didn’t even ask me—I asked him. He made a commitment to me based on the fact I was his only hope of gaining custody. He was willing to do anything he had to do to make the adoption happen. But I don’t want to hold him to a stupid promise based on a false assumption.”

“Not even if he wants to be held to that ‘stupid promise’? He’s in love with you, Charlie.”

“He’s not in love, Emily—he’s in lust. He thinks he’s in love with me, but he really only has a physical attraction. The marriage commitment was just about the kids. It was never about the two of us.”

“I think you’re wrong, Charlie.”

“I wish I were wrong, Emily—I really do. But I know I’m right.” She sucked in a huge breath and blew it out through puffed cheeks. “And I need your help tonight at the party. I can’t let him kiss me, because he messes with my mind. So I have to keep my distance. You’ve got to keep him from getting me alone.”

“I don’t know, Charlie.”

“Please. You’re my sister. You have to help me.”

“What are you asking me to do?”

“Just make sure we’re never alone together. I was thinking maybe I should go with someone else.”

“Like who?”

Charlie made a face. “Maybe Collin?”

“Ewwww! Really?”

“Got a better idea?”

“How about Derek?” Emily suggested.

“Do you really think he’d be willing? After all we put him through on the ski trip?”

“Are you kidding? He loved it. I’m betting he’d do it just to get invited to the Gherring Inc. Christmas Party.”

Charlie’s lips curved in a wobbly smile. “I bet you’re right. Thanks, Sister.”

“AND SHE BROKE UP WITH you?” said Brad.

“You were right—I let her think too much. She talked herself right out of the engagement.” Josh moaned into his hands.

“What did she say?”

“She said she wouldn’t ruin my life by holding me to a promise I made by mistake.”

“So she’s still convinced the only reason you wanted to marry her was because of the custody battle?”


“But you’re really in love with her?”

“Yes. It’s worse than ever, now that I got my hopes up.”

“But isn’t she in love with you, too?”

“I thought maybe she was kind of in love. At least I thought she was getting there. But now I guess there’s no chance.”

“Well, you can’t take this lying down. You’ve got to fight back.”