Josh followed behind them, trying to ascertain Gram’s motives. “Here we are. Now what do you see?” asked Gram.

“The stockings?” guessed Charlie.

“Look higher,” Gram suggested. “Much higher.”

Josh grinned. “I see it... mistletoe!” Two rosy patches appeared on Charlie’s cheeks. “We can’t disappoint, Gram,” he said.

“I love it when a plan comes together,” Gram murmured as she departed.

Charlie stood trembling like a skittish doe. Trying not to spook her with a sudden movement, he cupped her face gently between his hands. He could feel her pulse throbbing a wild rock-beat in her neck.

Her eyes were wide, but she didn’t resist as he slowly moved his lips toward hers. He saw when her eyes closed in anticipation and felt her hand slide up against his chest. He pressed his lips against hers with the slightest pressure and slid across in a gentle caress. He tickled her mouth tenderly with his tongue until her lips parted. And he pulled away, teasing, showering small kisses across her face to her ear. Then he whispered, “I love you, Charlie.”

When Charlie tried to pull back, he dropped his hands to her shoulders and held her still. “Wait! You believe me, don’t you?”

“Josh... I know you think you love me. But...”

“Charlie. I’ve changed. I’m not the kind of guy I was when you met me. I promise, I’ll never stray.”

“I know, Josh. If I really thought you’d cheat on me, I would never agree to marry you.”

“Then what is it? Why won’t you believe me?”

“It’s... I know you had feelings for Olivia, or you never would have asked her to marry you. Maybe you didn’t really love her. I’m not even sure you know what love is.”

“That’s not fair. Why do you think you can judge my feelings?”

“I don’t mean it that way. I’m only saying whatever you felt for Olivia, you can’t already feel for me in less than two weeks. Can you?”

“Yes, I can. Because I already loved you, Charlie. I just pretended with Olivia.”

“You were going to marry her without caring about her at all?”

“But she knew...”

“You told me you loved her.”

“I did... I do... I love her like a sister. But it’s different with you. It’s always been different with you, Charlie. Don’t you understand?”

“No, I don’t. It seems like you said what you needed to get Olivia to marry you. And now that’s what you’re doing with me.”

“But I didn’t even ask you. You offered all on your own. Was I supposed to turn you down?”

“Yes, I mean... I don’t know. This is too much right now—I need to think.”


“I’ve got to think!” Charlie fled up the grand staircase.

JOSH JERKED WHEN BRAD gripped his shoulder. “Hey, buddy. What happened? Charlie seemed upset.”

“I don’t know exactly. I was trying to convince her I was really in love with her. But I think she’s upset I wasn’t in love with Olivia. Is that possible?”

Brad shook his head. “Anything’s possible. She’s a woman. Their minds don’t work like ours.” He looked around. “Where did she go?”

“She said she needed to think.”

“Oh no—don’t let her do that. You’ve got to talk to her.”