“Honestly, Gram. There’s not enough time. But I’ll find something pretty to wear. And if there’s only about twenty people here, it really won’t matter anyway.”

“Exactly what I suspected,” said Gram. “So are you honestly going to tell me you never dreamed of your wedding day and imagined yourself in a beautiful white wedding gown?”

“Of course I did, Gram. But I was a little girl. Now I know those things aren’t important.”

“Emily and I both offered our dresses,” said Anne. “She turned us down.”

“Charlie. I’d like to say I hate to be pushy. But it isn’t true. I’m pushy, and I like it that way. I’ve already made arrangements for you to meet with the dressmaker who designed your mother’s dress.”

“But there’s only three weeks,” Charlie objected.

“She made your mother’s dress in less than a week,” said Gram. “And you’ll thank me someday when you look back at your pictures.”

“I’m grateful, Gram,” said Charlie. “But I wanted things to be small and simple.”

“Small and simple,” Gram said, nodding her head. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Would you prefer a harpist or a string quartet?”

“I wasn’t planning to have music,” said Charlie.

“Okay, fine,” said Gram. “I’ll plan the music for you. Did you have a preference about the dinner menu?”

“Dinner menu?”

“We could do finger foods if you prefer, rather than a sit-down dinner.”

“Yes, please. I don’t want a sit-down dinner. Couldn’t we just have punch and cake?”

“Ah, the cake—I’m glad you reminded me. Have you picked out a cake already?”

“No Gram. I—”

“Good, because I saw one in the December edition of Modern Bride magazine. It was absolutely spectacular.”

“You were looking at a bridal magazine?” asked Charlie.

“I have several subscriptions. It pays to be prepared.”

“Mom, can’t you do something?”

“I’m sorry, Charlotte. She’s a force of nature.”

COLLIN WAVED CHARLIE over to the group that included David and the three youngest Marshall sisters. She wandered reluctantly that direction.

“Come on, Charlie. Give us your opinion,” said Collin. “Who do you think is the hottest male actor right now? We have two votes for Barry McClain and two for Forest Derringer. But I maintain Caspian Neveau edges both of them out.”

Charlie stuck out her tongue. “Yuck! None of the above. Those boys are all too pretty. I could never be interested in a guy who couldn’t beat me in a rock-climbing contest.”

“I take it Josh fits that description,” said Collin.

“He’s one of very few who have that distinction.”

“If that’s all it takes, I’d certainly like the opportunity to best you.”

“You’re a rock-climber?” Charlie asked, cocking her head sideways to inspect his form. He did have a broad back, and he might be hiding some muscles under his sweater

“I’ve done a bit of climbing.”

“Outdoors or in a gym?”