
JOSH WRAPPED HIS ARMS around Charlie in an attempt to soothe her, but she sobbed even harder. Why did he have to push her? He shouldn't have tried so hard. He shouldn't have asked her to consider the possibility of a relationship with him. At least not here, not now. Not at her sister's wedding, which should have been one of the happiest events of her life. Now she was crying and it was his fault.

“Sh sh sh,” he whispered in her ear as he lightly rubbed her back. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” She had good reason not to trust him. He had to prove himself first. And he hadn’t done that yet.

He led her back to her chair and handed her a clean napkin, kneeling down in front of her. He loved Charlie, loved holding her, but he couldn’t bear knowing he caused the tears that rolled down her face. He had to let her go, leave her alone.

“Charlie. I’m not going to do this to you anymore. I love you, and I want to be with you. But I want you to be happy even more. I can’t stand that I made you cry. I’m really sorry. I won’t bother you anymore. But please... If you ever change your mind, please come find me.”

He brushed his lips against hers, fighting with all his might to stop himself from drawing her back into his arms and crushing her against him. With tears stinging his eyes, he pulled back and walked away from the only woman he’d ever loved. But he would wait for her. He was patient. He was committed and determined. If he couldn’t have Charlie, he didn’t want anyone.

“I love you, Charlie,” he said again, though he knew she couldn’t hear him. “I love you. And I’ll wait for you, as long as it takes.”

Chapter One

CHARLIE’S STOMACH TWISTED in knots. She was so nervous about seeing Josh again. She hadn’t seen or spoken to him in almost two years, ever since that fateful conversation at her sister’s wedding. She knew the basics, since he was a close friend to her sister and brother-in-law, Emily and Spencer. And of course, he was also a good friend to Spencer’s sister, Grace, and her soon-to-be husband, Brad, as both he and Brad were emergency physicians at the same hospital. But everyone was careful not to mention Josh around her. And she was grateful. Wasn’t she?

“Charlie.” Grace seemed to be reading her mind. “I’m sure you’re worried about seeing Josh. But I’m so happy you agreed to be a bridesmaid. Don’t worry—Josh isn’t paired with you or anything. He’s best man, so he’s matched up with Olivia.”

“I’m not the least bit worried,” she lied, giving her petite friend a hug. Even with heels, Grace was at least four inches shorter than her three tall, lanky sisters, while both Charlie and Emily stood eye-to-eye with them. Charlie was almost five feet nine, and tonight she was sporting three-inch heels of her own. With her added height and her dark green dress, she felt like the Jolly Green Giant standing next to Grace.

“I’m just excited about getting to be in the wedding. It’s about time y’all finally got hitched.”

“Oh, that’s so cute.”


“You said y’all. It’s adorable,” Grace teased.

“I can’t seem to kick my Texas accent, even though I haven’t lived there in over three years.”

“I like listening to your mom and your sister talking, too.”

“Speaking of Mom, they’re coming to the wedding for sure. Micah’s rash turned out to be no big thing. So Gram and Gus are watching him and Ellis during the wedding.”

“I wouldn’t have minded if she and Steven had brought the twins to the wedding—they’re so cute.”

“Mom said she wanted to enjoy the wedding instead of trying to keep up with those holy terrors. The boys have hit their terrible-twos early, I think.”

“I can’t believe Gram and Gus have the energy to take care of them. Aren’t they both in their nineties?”

She nodded, feeling the same amazement she saw in Grace’s wide eyes. “Yes, Gram’s almost ninety-nine, but you’d never know. Those two never sit still. I feel lazy when I’m around them.”

“We’re ready to start the rehearsal.” Brad bent over to give Grace a quick kiss. “Josh called, and he’s held up at work. So we’re going to start without him.”

Charlie felt her tense muscles relax. She could put off seeing him for a little while longer. What would he look like? She found herself hoping he’d let himself go a little. No man deserved to look as good as he had, anyway. He was tall, with blond hair and green eyes. But he wasn’t a pretty guy. His face was strong. Chiseled. Masculine. And his body... Well, not that she’d actually seen his body, but she could see how his shoulders stretched and how his muscles rippled, even through his shirts. She’d seen how good he looked when they’d gone climbing together once at a gym. His leg muscles were amazing. And she’d always been kind of a leg girl.

Charlie’s face heated at the memory of the night at the gym. At the memory of the kiss they’d shared at the end of the night. She’d never been kissed like that before, and it had ruined her for every other guy. When she’d returned to Colorado she’d dated a few guys, and she’d done her share of kissing. But after experiencing Josh, the other guys had seemed sort of... Boring. Dull. Lackluster. There was no thrill, no tingle, no spark. She went out with one ext

remely well-built handsome guy who was head-over-heels for her. She’d been so optimistic when they’d gone on their first, second and third dates. But when he’d kissed her, nothing had happened. Nothing. It was like kissing her brother.

After that, she’d given up. She hadn’t been on a date in over a year, and she’d decided she was through with dating altogether. She was obviously attracted physically to Josh, probably because of his skill. After all, he’d had plenty of practice. He was thirty-one, almost six years older than her, and he’d probably been out with about a hundred girls every year since he’d turned sixteen. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but he was a real player. He was smart and handsome and sexy and experienced. And he knew it. At one point he’d pursued her, but she knew it didn’t really mean anything. She was evidently the first girl who’d ever demonstrated any resistance to his charms, so she presented a challenge. But it was like a game to him, and she wasn’t willing to play. She had no desire to be another notch on his belt.

It didn’t matter now. She’d moved on. She was completely over him. She was only nervous about seeing him because she was certain he’d moved on as well. She didn’t resent him for finding someone else. But he had boosted her ego a bit when he’d chased her, and she knew it was going to hurt when he snubbed her. He used to ask Emily about her all the time. But about a year ago, he’d quit asking. He never mentioned her name to anyone any more. Emily didn’t think he had a girlfriend, but Charlie knew better. A guy like Josh never went without female companionship.

The rest of the wedding party, except Josh, were standing in their places at the front of the little church. Grace’s three sisters—Olivia, Hannah, and Claire—along with Charlie and her sister, Emily, made up the bridesmaids. Grace’s brother, Spencer, was one of the groomsmen, along with Brad’s brother, Ben, and two men Charlie had never met. They’d already practiced walking down the aisle. Charlie berated herself for wearing heels. It was strange enough being in a dress since she’d always been a bit of a tomboy. But she wanted the extra height when she came face-to-face with Josh. She thought she’d feel confident and empowered if she were taller. Now she questioned her decision, wishing she’d worn some comfy flats.

From her position beside her, Emily asked, “So your law school classes don’t start until January?”

“Yes, and I’ve got to take advantage of my free time until then. After school starts, I’ll be swamped all the time.”

“Steven wants to take everybody skiing at Christmas,” said Emily. “I can’t wait to see Micah and Ellis in their cute little ski suits! And he’s decided to rent this huge house, and he’s inviting Spencer’s sisters as well. It’ll be so much fun, with Grace and Brad being married and all.”

“I’m excited, too. I’ve been so jealous you had Grace, Olivia, Hannah, and Claire as your sisters now.”

“I love them, but not like I love you. You’re my one and only real sister.”

“You’ll have lots of opportunities to make up for neglecting me, now that I’m living in New York City.” Charlie lifted her chin and gazed down her nose until she elicited a laugh and joined in. “You know, I still feel a little bit guilty letting Steven pay for things like the ski trip. But Mom says I need to get over it, because it makes him happy.”

“It’s true.” Emily clipped her head in a firm nod. “I’ve never seen a guy with a more generous heart. And he’s so excited to finally have a family to share it with.”

She chuckled to herself, remembering how Steven’s scheming grandmother had worked to match up Charlie and Emily’s mother, Anne, with her grandson, a life-long bachelor. No one suspected Gram had been working behind the scenes from day one to bring the Texas widow together with Steven Gherring, the billionaire owner of Gherring Inc. But even Gram got more than she bargained for when Anne became pregnant with twin boys shortly after their marriage.

“Have you gotten settled into the apartment yet?” Emily asked. “I’m so excited to have you here—we’ve got to do stuff together.”

“I’ll feel like a third wheel around you and Spencer.”

“Are you complaining about being single? Because I’m sure Mom and Gram would be glad to help remedy the problem.”

“No, absolutely not. I like being single, and I don’t need a guy to take up my time when I’m in law school anyway.”

“Whatever you say.” Emily cocked an eyebrow.

“I’m serious. I really mean it.”

“Okay, okay. I believe you. You’re not interested in having a boyfriend right now. So... I guess that means you’re still not interested in Josh?”

“Definitely not.”

“Even if he’s changed a lot in the last two years?”

“Why are you’re asking me? Did he say something to you about me?”

“No way. He absolutely doesn’t talk about you.”

Charlie swallowed a lump. It was a blessing he’d moved on. She’d had zero willpower left after he’d zapped her with his lips. It was a good thing she’d been a great actress two years ago, or there’s no telling what would have happened. Probably anything he wanted. She was lucky she’d escaped without regrets.

“Of course, the reason he quit talking about you was because you broke his heart.” Emily murmured the words from the corner of her mouth.

“Are you taking his side? I didn’t break his heart. He barely knew me—and he was a huge player.”

“Was is the operative word. He’s never been the same since he met you.”