“But he knew she was having some kind of surgery. Didn’t I hear he tried to kidnap her from her biopsy?”

“Yes, but he didn’t remember any of that after the accident. I tried to explain it to him. But ten seconds later, he’d give me this blank expression and forget everything I’d just told him.”

“But maybe he remembered more than you thought. We should check there first in case he circled around on the outside of the hospital somehow. And then we’ll split up and check all the places you can think of. Maybe some of the Marshalls will help us look. And really, what’s the worst that can happen?”

Josh tilted his head down, glaring at Ben from beneath pinched brows. “Really?”

A chill rippled down his spine. “Uhmm... Forget I asked that.”

Chapter Twelve

“Why don’t you come sit down? You know you shouldn’t move around so much after a concussion,” Kara reasoned.

Brad ignored her, continuing to pace the floor. “What time is it?”

Her sigh was labored. “It’s five minutes later than the last time you asked. It’s way too early to go to Grace’s house. Come sit down and I’ll get us a drink.”

After she disappeared into the kitchen, he perched on the edge of the couch, leaning his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands. He couldn’t think. He was feeling more agitated with each passing moment. He battled nausea as another dizzy wave swept through his head.

He felt hands on his shoulders, kneading his muscles. “This should help. Are you feeling tense?”

He melted under her ministrations. “Yes. That feels great. But my head... I’m so dizzy.”

“Why don’t you come lay down for a bit? I’ll wake you up when it’s time to go see Grace.”

The room swirled around his head as she helped him to his feet. Leaning heavily on her shoulder he stumbled to the bed and collapsed. “What did you say your name was?”

“I’m Kara. You don’t remember me?” Her voice was petulant, but Brad kept his eyes closed against the light shining in his eyes.

“Could you turn the light off? It really hurts my eyes.”

“Fine. Here, let me help you. Do you want to take your shoes off?”

“My head is spinning.” He squeezed his eyes shut, and blessed darkness filled his mind.


Kara flipped through the channels on the television. Nothing was going according to plan. She had Brad in her bed, but a fat lot of good that did. He’d been asleep for an hour. Her cell phone rang... Again. Josh was calling... Again. And she ignored it... Again. She needed to return his call, but she had to make some headway with Brad, first.

The idea came to her like a flash. She had an amazing opportunity—a gift. And she wasn’t about to waste it.

She tiptoed into the bedroom where he lay sound asleep on his back. Even in sleep, his face held an expression of pain. She made quick work of the buttons on his shirt, opening it and admiring the view presented. He looked even better than she’d imagined. She considered attempting to remove his pants, but she couldn’t take a chance on waking him. Unbuttoning her own shirt and stripping off her pants and shoes, she eased into the bed beside him.

“Hey, Brad! Wake up!” She shook him until he opened his eyes. “Come on, it’s time to wake up.”

He pushed up on his elbows, blinking his eyes at her. “Who are you? Where am I?”

“Brad! Are you kidding me? I’m Kara—Kara Dickson.” She turned it on—batting her eyes against sudden tears and allowing her lower lip to tremble.

“Why am I here? Did I sleep with you?”

“Yes, of course you did. I mean, we did. I can’t believe you don’t remember.” She sniffed.

“I don’t... I’m sorry... Who are you again?”

“Brad. We just made love. How can you not remember my name?” A tear slid down her cheek.

He slid out of the bed onto his knees. “Where... Where is the bathroom?” Oh no—he was going to be sick.