“It’s... uhmm... I don’t know. You answer my question first. What happened? Where’s Grace?”

“Grace is fine,” Josh spat the words. “No thanks to you. You are certifiable. Do you know that?” He began a furious tapping on the computer keyboard adjacent to Brad’s bed.

“What are you talking about?”

“That’s right—you’re just as psycho as Grace. No, even more psycho. You only thought Grace was doing something crazy. You actually did something crazy. You two deserve each other. Now what day is it?”

“It’s... uhmm... My head really hurts.” He pushed up on his elbows and strained into a sitting position. Reaching to the back of his throbbing head, he discovered a large piece of gauze taped in place. “Did someone hit me?”

“No, but I thought about it. Someone should knock some sense into you. Who’s the president of the United States?”

“Uhmm... Wait... I know this.”

“What month is it?”

“Slow down, okay? I need a second.”

“Let’s try an easy one. What’s your name?”

“It’s uhmm... It’s... Wait, where’s Grace?”

“I told you, she’s fine. Look at me.” Josh aimed a bright light at his eye.

“Ow!” Brad squeezed his eyes shut.

“Keep your eyes open. I have to check your pupils.” Josh reached over to force his eye open and shine the light toward it.


“Stop being a baby. Let me check the other one... And... There. Got it.”

“Ouch. My eyes are fine. But where’s Grace?”

“Do you remember why you were looking for her?”

“Because I... She, uhmm... Wait... What did you ask me?”

“Great. It’s Ten-Second Tom.”

“Oh, the guy from Fifty First Dates?”

“How can you remember that, but you don’t remember who the president is?”

Brad rubbed his temples. “I think I need to sleep for a while.” He started to lie down again.

Josh pushed him back up. “Nope. No you don’t. Sit up. Stay awake, and I’ll tell you about Grace.”

“Grace? Why? Is something wrong with Grace?”

A gargled oath emerged from Josh’s throat. “Maybe I’ll wait and explain it after you come back from your CT scan.”

“Why am I getting a CT scan?”

“Can you tell me when a CT scan is necessary for patients who have or are suspected of having a concussion?”

“Sure. Suspicion of intracranial structural injury. Diploplia. Seizure activity. Loss of consciousness for more than a minute. Severe headache...”

“That’s enough. You were unconscious for more than a minute.”