
Kara checked the schedule again. Brad Gates wasn’t due to arrive until noon, but Josh Branson was already here. This was her best opportunity to get the scoop on Brad and his girlfriend. She’d been laying low for a month since Brad had been giving her the cold-shoulder, but she was almost certain he and Grace had remained estranged. She was dating another doctor, but he wasn’t as brilliant or good-looking as Brad. Plus, she was almost certain he was more interested in her connections than he was in her. She didn’t mind using her father’s wealth and influence to her own ends, but it was unflattering to think the man wasn’t spellbound by her looks and personality.

She found Josh alone in the lounge. He regarded her with wary eyes as she approached him. He’d certainly turned out to be more astute than she’d realized. She’d have to be careful—throw him off-track.

“Dr. Branson, I wonder if you might give me some advice. It’s about...” She put on her most tentative face. “It’s about a guy.”

“Why me, Dr. Dickson?” His expression was inscrutable. “Why not ask one of your girlfriends for advice?”

“To be honest, I don’t have any girlfriends. Girls always distrust me—they think I’m going to steal their boyfriends or husbands.” Her laugh was humorless. “But look at me. I’m thirty-two and still single. If I were going to steal a guy, don’t you think I would have done it by now?”

Apparently disarmed, Josh chuckled. “Okay, I’ll do my best to help. But I’ve been told I’m not that great at understanding women—at least, not all of them.”

“I don’t need help understanding women... I need help understanding men.” She flashed her smile-of-gratitude, which he accepted and returned. Men were so easy to manipulate.

“Well then, fire away.”

“There’s this guy I like, but it seems like I always do everything wrong with him. I know he’s attracted to me, but he holds himself at a distance.”

Josh frowned. “Are you sure he’s not married or otherwise attached?”

“I’m sure he’s not married, and I don’t think he’s attached. I’ve backed off, but I just can’t stop thinking about him. I really wish I understood... I thought you could help me learn what I did wrong with Brad, and that might help me with this guy.”

He sat back, crossing his arms over his chest, and let out a heavy breath. “Kara, you never had a chance with Brad. He’s in love with Grace. But barring that, you were too aggressive for him. Some guys like that, but not Brad. And then there was the matter of you lying and keeping the flowers Grace brought him. I doubt he’d ever forgive you for doing something like that.”

“It was just an impulse, and I regret it now. I know I shouldn’t have done that, but I thought it might be my only chance. He’s dating Grace again, right? I hope I didn’t do any permanent damage.” She tucked her chin down and gazed at Josh through her lashes. Did he buy her story? She needed Josh on her side if she was going to bag Brad. “I really wish I could make it up to him. If he and Grace wanted to move back to California, I’d still be willing to put in a good word for him with my father.”

His brows arched high on his forehead. “Really? You’d help him get a job even if he wasn’t with you?”

“Of course I would—he’s highly qualified. Do you think he might be interested in moving? He and Grace?”

Josh scratched his chin. “It’s crazy, but I think he might actually consider it.”

“So they?

?d be interested in moving to California? And they’re dating again?” She held her breath. Was it too late?

“Well, yes and no. They’re not quite back together yet, but that could change by the end of the day. And I think Brad may have changed his mind about the position in California.”

She almost sagged in relief. She still had a chance at Brad. Josh narrowed his eyes. “Didn’t you say this was about some other guy?”

“It is. I want to know how to get his attention.”

Josh cocked his head. “What if the two of you aren’t meant to be together?”

“I can’t accept that answer.”

“I have to admit, I know how you feel.”

“Just tell me... If it were you, what would it take to get your attention?”

“Nothing you did would work on me.”

Kara reeled at the insult, but kept the anger out of her expression.

“Someone else already has my attention,” Josh explained. So he was in love with another woman—that’s why she hadn’t been able to manipulate him. She wasn’t losing her touch after all.

“But this is a great guy—I don’t want to lose him. You have to help me.”