Ben sat forward. “Maybe this could be good. Maybe Grace will confront her and Brad will find out the truth and dump that witch.”

“I can’t believe she has the nerve to go to dinner at Grace’s house. You’d think she’d be terrified of being exposed.”

Ben rubbed his short-trimmed beard as he pondered. “Maybe she doesn’t realize where she’s going.”

“You’re probably right.” Josh wondered how they might be able to work this to their advantage.

“Well, this should make for an interesting dinner. You and I may be the only ones who realize the truth. We’ve got to help Grace out.”

“Let me get a quick shower, and I’ll be ready to go.” He tossed his cell phone to Ben. “Do me a favor? Call Olivia, and give her the heads up so she can warn Grace. I don’t want her blindsided with this.”


“I don’t think I can do this.” Grace paced at the foot of her bed where Olivia was perched, having just delivered the news. Her stomach was churning and she couldn’t imagine sitting down to dinner. The thought of food made her want to rush to the bathroom. “Don’t you see? He finally called me after I lost my phone. It’s another sign we aren’t supposed to be together.”

“I’ll agree it seems like the universe is conspiring against you, but the Grace I know would never give up this easily.”

“I’m not giving up. I’m trying to do the right thing.”

“Do you think it’s right to hurt Brad like this? Is it right to let some conniving shrew end up with him? Are you going to let him believe you ignored his phone calls? He at least deserves to know the whole truth.”

“But maybe it means something he picked a girl so totally opposite of me. Maybe I’m not really his type, and it took something like this for him to figure it out. And anyway, I’m not the kind of person who likes to make a scene—I can’t confront her in front of all of my family and friends.”

Olivia’s curls were wild from the pulling of her frustrated fingers. She lifted a pillow to her face and let out a muffled scream. “Arghhh!” She flung it at her sister with all her might, impacting her side, but not slowing her agitated strides. “Grace, I’m going to invoke some sisterly right that allows me to pound some sense into you. Look, here’s the bottom line. You brought this on yourself when you lied to Brad instead of being honest with him. So now, you need to buck up and face the consequences. You’re going to this dinner, and you’re going to pull that girl into a private place and tell her off.”

“I don’t know...”

“Grace, do you like Brad or not? Is he worth fighting for?”

Grace swallowed a hard lump of air. Did she like Brad? No. If she’d learned anything over the past week, she’d learned she didn’t like Brad. She loved him. With all of her heart and soul, she loved the man. His loss had left a yawning, aching, empty hole inside her. But as much as she wanted to be with Brad, what she wanted most was for him to be happy. And she worried she might not be able to do that for him. Still, she couldn’t accept Brad would ever be happy with a devious woman like Leanne, either.

She stopped pacing and turned to face the mirror on her dresser. Her voice was plaintive when she spoke again. “Will you help me pick out a hat for tonight?”

Olivia hopped up from the bed, grinning with excitement. “I’ll pick out your whole outfit, from head to toe. Brad won’t know what hit him.”


Brad was uncomfortable bringing Kara to the Marshall’s dinner, but he didn’t want to be alone when he saw Grace with another man—especially a man who’d somehow already convinced her to wear his ring. Although Ben seemed to be convinced she wasn’t interested in Horatio, she obviously wasn’t interested in renewing her relationship with Brad either. She hadn’t even returned a single phone call or text.

He kept his hands shoved into his pockets as he strolled beside Kara on the way to the Marshall’s home. She’d already attempted to hold hands once as she walked beside him, her long legs matching him stride for stride. He knew inviting her to this dinner was encouraging her affections, a complication he didn’t need. But he couldn’t think of anyone else to bring along at the last minute. He glanced at her rather revealing top and decided he should be straightforward and warn her Grace would be at dinner.

“So I appreciate you coming to dinner with me,” he began.

“I was glad you invited me. Friday night you seemed so angry with me for some reason.”

“Well, I was a little angry. I thought we had an understanding. I went to the game with you to help you with a guy problem, and that kiss was not part of the deal. We’re only friends, Kara. I helped you with a guy problem, and I asked you to come tonight to help me with a girl problem.”

Her eyes narrowed. “What girl problem?”

“So Josh told you about Grace and I breaking up? Well, tonight the dinner is at her house, and she’s bringing her new boyfriend.”

“So now you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?” she asked. Brad glanced her direction. She didn’t seem offended. In fact her wide eyes and broad smile appeared all too eager.

“No, you don’t need to take it that far. I think having a date will be sufficient. Her entire family will be at the dinner, and Dr. Branson will be there as well. It’s a weekly tradition.”

“No problem. I think I can handle a little family togetherness with your old girlfriend. You know, I never thought she was right for you anyway.”

Brad pressed his lips together to hold back a biting retort. He didn’t want to hear any disparaging remarks about Grace. “I still think we might get back together.”