“There is? I’ve never heard about it.”

“It’s called I Kissed Kissing Goodbye.”

Charlie laughed. “No, it’s called I Kissed Dating Goodbye, and I assume you haven’t even read it.”

“No, but I’ve thought it through, and my mind is made up.”

“Poor Spencer.”

“You feel sorry for him because he won’t get to kiss anyone for a while?”

“No, I feel sorry for him because he’s fallen for my sister!”

/> *****

Spencer was in a good mood, a really good mood. Everyone always talked about love being painful. And it had been painful. But now... Now everything was good. He’d kissed her, and she’d kissed him back. And it was good, really good. Great, in fact. At least he thought it was great, and she seemed to like it. He’d practically floated home from the Gherrings, and he’d been humming all day. And they were officially dating. Weren’t they? He replayed the scene in his mind. Hadn’t they talked about dating? He hadn’t said the big L word, but he’d told her he was crazy about her. Hadn’t he?

Suddenly his good mood evaporated. They hadn’t talked about their relationship at all. He’d kissed her, but he hadn’t even told her he liked her. And she hadn’t said anything at all about her feelings, except that she was afraid. Now he thought about it, he didn’t feel so great. They needed to talk—really talk.

“Hey, Spencer,” said Grace. “The burgers smell good. I’ve brought you a couple extra to put on the grill. I forgot to tell you I invited some friends yesterday.”

“No problem, Gracie,” he said, placing the burgers on the grill. “Can you take the first batch into the kitchen?”

“Sure.” She took the pan of burgers and started toward the door. Then she stopped, and came back to him, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.

“What’s that for?”

“It’s for later on when you’re mad at me,” she said, slipping inside.

Now his mood dipped lower. Grace was up to her tricks again. He repeated the question he asked himself so often. Why did God give him sisters? The door opened again, and he turned, prepared to interrogate his sister, but it was Charlie who slipped outside.

“Hey, Spencer.” She waggled her eyebrows, sporting a devilish grin. “I hear you and my sister had an interesting morning.”

He felt his face heating up. “What did she say?”

“She didn’t give me any particulars, but I know there was kissing involved.”


“I’m simply here to do what I feel is my sisterly duty.”

“What’s that?” At her serious tone, the hair stood up on the back of his neck.

“I’ve come to ask, what are your intentions with my sister?”

“Oh. Is that your sisterly duty? Does that mean Grace is doing the same thing with Emily?”

She cocked her head and grinned. “I don’t know. Maybe. But don’t change the subject—you haven’t answered my question.”

“It’s a personal question. Shouldn’t it come from Emily?”

Now Charlie’s face became truly serious. “Look Spencer. Here’s the thing. I like you and I think you’re really sweet. But my sister has been hurt by a guy before.” She gave him a honeyed smile. “And I’m here to tell you I will beat you to a pulp if you hurt her again.”

“Wow! Thanks for the warning,” he chuckled. “I’m not planning to hurt her.”

“You don’t understand. She’s not like you. She can’t be with one guy and then switch to another one. She’s an all or nothing kind of girl. She’ll expect commitment. And you’d better not lie to her or cheat on her.”

Spencer’s jaw dropped. “You obviously have a pretty low opinion of me.”