Brad shook his head, chuckling. “No. But you can access the campground without doing the whole hike.”

“Now you tell me,” grumbled Emily, as she scrambled downward, leaving her skin on the rocks.


Despite their best efforts to hurry, it was twelve o’clock before Gherring and Spencer parked the car at the trailhead. Quickly shouldering their packs, they started out at a slow trot.

“Don’t take any chances,” warned Gherring. “We can run when the trail is flat, but not on the climbs and not when we hit the loose rocks. We can’t afford for either of us to be injured.”

“Agreed.” Spencer led the way with Gherring close on his heels.

They made steady progress, speeding along the broad, smooth areas, and making quick work of the climbs. In three hours, they were approaching the area Spencer expected the group to camp.

“We’re almost there, I think,” said Spencer, breathing heavily. “If she left early this morning, she’s probably already with the group. My biggest worry is actually Becca.”

“Becca? The Becca that went hiking with us?”

“Yes. She’s turned out to be sort of a... a witch.”

“A witch? Is that the word you really mean?”

“No sir. It’s not the word I really mean.”

“What did she do?”

“I can’t prove it, but now I think she’s the one who took your picture and sent it to the tabloid. And she took a picture of Emily cozied up to that Denning guy and texted it to me. And she and I had words this morning before the hike. She’s the reason I didn’t go. I... I think she hates Emily.”

Gherring’s eyebrows furrowed. “Hates her? Why? What did Emily do to her?”

Spencer felt his face heat up. “Becca’s jealous of her. She knows I like Emily.”

“Ah. Got it. Hell hath no fury and all that.”


“Well, hopefully we’ll get there in time to save Emily from the... uhmm... witch.”

“We should. I’ve never made a pace like this on a hike before. I’ve sweated all the way through my backpack.” Spencer picked up the pace as he spotted the camping area, praying the group had chosen to stop here rather than continue to the next area. Relieved, he spotted a familiar face.

“Landon! Hey!” He ran to his friend, frantically scanning the group looking for Emily’s face.

“Spencer? Hey, man. What’re you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming?”

“I came for Emily.” He doubled over, panting for breath. “Oh, man. I’m so tired. Have you seen her?”


“You don’t know her, I guess. But she was planning to meet me here, meet us here. Tall, pretty, brunette, with a long braid?”

“Uhmm, no I haven’t seen her. But we only got here ten minutes ago. Why don’t you ask around?”

Spencer’s heart turned over. Gherring was already making the rounds, calling her name. Where could she be?

“Spencer?” He suppressed a shudder as he pivoted. “You came!” Becca smiled as she threw her arms around him. “I’m sorry I made you mad.”

“Becca, do you know where Emily is?” He peeled her arms away.

“I have no idea where she is. That’s the truth.”