“I agree,” Josh said. “In fact, this guy sounds like a jerk. I’ll be glad to take his place.”

“He’s not a jerk. He doesn’t know I’m coming. It’s a surprise.”

Brad raised his eyebrows. “You’re doing this to surprise him?”

“Okay, fine.” She covered her face and spoke through her fingers. “I screwed up and hurt his feelings, and I’m trying to impress him so he’ll give me another chance.”

“Well if it doesn’t work, my offer still stands. I don’t get my feelings hurt easily. And I’ve never met a girl who’d hike a trail like this just to impress me.” Josh stood and offered her a hand up.

“We should pick up the pace.” Brad tightened the strap on his backpack. “We’ve got another t

ricky downhill before we start back up. And then it’s going to get really steep.”

“Steeper than it’s already been?” She felt queasy at the thought.

“I’m afraid so,” Brad confirmed.

Time blurred in Emily’s head. It seemed she’d been climbing forever. Even when the trail took a downturn, she couldn’t relax due to the sheer angles and the loose rocks.

“This is the last climb before a fairly flat part with a nice view.” Josh patted her arm as she stared at the cliff before her.

“This is not just steep,” she declared. “It’s straight up.”

“You’ve got to go up, or else go back the way you came. Do you want me to refill some of your water bottles?” He stowed away two water bottles he’d filled from a spring using a filter pump.

“I think I have plenty,” she said, checking her pack. “Oh, wow! I only have two left. It still feels so heavy. I thought I had four or five. Yes, Josh, thanks. I guess I need some more.”

“No problem.”

“Do you want to let me carry your backpack up this last steep part?” Brad offered.

She shook her head. “Y’all have been great, but I’m determined to at least carry my own pack. I need to prove to myself I can do this.”

“You’re a bit on the stubborn side, aren’t you?” Brad flashed a grim smile.

“So I’ve been told.” The climb was even more difficult than it appeared. To her great consternation, she found the backpack pulled her so off balance she couldn’t keep her grip. After numerous attempts she found herself at the bottom, bleeding from multiple cuts.

Josh threw a small rope down from the top. “Brad, tie her backpack on.”

Her shoulders screamed their relief as Brad pulled the pack off. This time, she offered no resistance.

“Don’t feel bad,” he said. “You gave it a good try. But it’s too heavy, and you’re too small to climb something this steep with it on. If it makes you feel any better, I’m planning to send mine up by rope as well. Too bad we don’t have the equipment to set up a climb with a belay for you.”

She was in so much pain she didn’t argue. Not for the first time, she questioned whether this hike was a good idea. But she was way past the point of turning back. She had no choice but to struggle on.

Arriving safely at the top, Brad pulled out a first aid kit. “We should all take a minute to wash out these cuts and doctor them up a bit.” Emily noted the guys only had a few small cuts, compared to her multiple gashes. But she accepted the help and the antibiotic ointment with gratitude.

The next part of the trail wasn’t flat as promised, but it was broader and not nearly as steep as the previous parts. Comparatively, Emily guessed she could understand why Josh would call it flat.

At the edge of another drop, she looked behind her. “I’m surprised they haven’t caught up with us yet. We’ve been going pretty slowly, haven’t we?”

Josh considered her question. “Who is they? If it’s a large group and there are girls in the group, they may be slower than we were. No offense, but girls do tend to slow things down, especially when they’re carrying packs.”

“I’m really not sure what the group is like. I only know two people that were going. There’s at least one girl—probably more.” Her mind wandered. What would happen when Spencer caught up with her. She glanced at her filthy hands and clothes. She must look awful. Maybe she could wash her face and freshen up a little before she saw him. What if he refused to talk to her?

“Are you sure they’re camping at the main campground?” asked Brad. “They might go up the trail a bit to a more remote part. Sometimes the campground is crowded.”

“Crowded? That many people come up this horrible trail to go camping?”