
“Don’t let this guy hurt you. Okay?”

“I told you—”

“I know what you said, but I can tell you’re hot for him.”

“Even if I did decide to date him, I don’t think he’d hurt me. He’s older, more mature. I don’t think he’d be into playing games like that.”

“Sister, trust me. I know from experience older guys can play games right along with the rest of them. They have more years of practice at doing it.”

“What do you mean? Is there something you haven’t told me?”

Instantly she masked the emotion on her face. “Nope. I’m simply giving you some sisterly advice.”

“Okay, thanks for the help.” Emily smiled. “Love you, Sister.”

“You, too.”

Emily arrived ten minutes early to the Green Scene. She was surprised to find it looked much more like a club than a coffee bar. She found a small table on the far side and sat in a chair where she could watch the door. There was a jazz band setting up to play, so she tried not to sit too close to the stage. She wanted to be able to talk to Asher without yelling. She ordered a café mocha from the waitress, feeling relieved she’d be able to pay for her own drink as she planned. She drummed her fingers nervously on the table while she waited for Asher Denning to make his appearance.

“Hey, Emily. What are you doing here?” Emily looked up in surprise to see Grace standing beside her table, looking anxiously over her shoulder.

“Hi Grace. I, uhmm... What are you doing here?”

“Spencer told me you were having dinner with your mom and stepdad tonight. What happened? Why are you here?”

“Spencer? Uhmm... I had a change of plans. But don’t tell—”

“Hullo, Emily. You look smashing!” Asher Denning slipped into the chair beside her. He had on a tight black t-shirt that accentuated the bulge of his muscles and contrasted with his blond hair. “Have you been here long?” He glanced up, recognizing Grace, who was staring at him with wide eyes. “Oh, hullo! Grace, my love, you won’t let on to the rest of the class we were here together. Will you, love? Why don’t you sit down and join us? We’re just having a little chin wag.”

Emily’s cheeks were burning, and she could hear the blood pounding in her ears. She turned pleading eyes to Grace, whose face was blanched. “Grace, I can explain. But don’t tell Spencer.” She tried to keep her voice low enough Asher couldn’t hear as he waved down a waitress.

“Spencer’s here,” whispered Grace, throwing frantic glances behind her.

“He’s here?” Emily slunk down. “Where?”

“Hey, Grace,” she heard Spencer’s voice. “We’ve got a table over here. Who’re you talking to?”

Spencer’s smiling face appeared over Grace’s shoulder as she spun around quickly and tried to herd him back toward their table. But Spencer stopped in his tracks when his eyes fell on Emily. At first he brightened with a smile and opened his mouth to speak to her. But then his face fell as he glanced from her to Asher Denning and back again. She cringed while he took in the low cut of her blouse and the lip-gloss she’d added at the last minute. He nodded his head in her direction.

“Hi, Emily.” His lips pressed firmly together. He turned and began making his way toward the door.

“Wait, Spencer,” called Grace as she tried to catch her brother.

Emily sat in stunned silence. She didn’t get up and chase him out the door. There was no point. What could she say? She really had no defense. She was a worm—lower than a worm—worm excrement. She’d seen the hurt in his eyes, and she knew she was solely responsible for that pain. She’d made up excuses to justify her behavior, but none of it changed the lie she’d told to Spencer.

“Hullo, love. Did Grace leave?”

She swallowed, but couldn’t manage to speak. She struggled to hold back tears as she nodded at Asher.

He flashed her his million dollar smile and leaned forward to put his elbows on the table, his biceps flexing as he moved. “Did I tell you how smashing you look?” he asked with hooded eyes. “What type of bevvy did you get?”

“It’s a mocha.” Emily managed to spit the words out.

“Coffee? Oh yes, I did ask you out for coffee, didn’t I? I hope you don’t mind I got a pint of lager, instead.” The band started playing, and Asher slid his chair closer to Emily’s, turning it to face the band.

The waitress returned with his beer and managed to rub most of her upper body against him while placing it on the table. He rewarded her efforts with a wink, smiling at the astonished expression on Emily’s face. “She’s a friendly sort, that one.”