“She wants everything planned out, and she likes to control things. And I think she’s afraid to trust a guy. I’m really afraid Spencer will give up before she lets her defenses down.”

“He doesn’t really talk to me. Maybe the girls—I don’t know for sure. I might ask Grace what she thinks. Surely we’ll think of something.”

“Yes, we’ll have to think of something.”

Anne’s cell phone rang. “Hi, Steven.”

“Hey, Sweetheart. I’ve got news for you.”

“What’s that?”

“Your first fan mail has started arriving. At least I assume that’s what it is. We have a stack of letters addressed to Mrs. Anne Gherring, care of Gherring Inc.”

“Seriously? Fan letters? What if it’s hate mail instead?”

“It’s possible, but not likely. Or it could even be people asking for money. But the HER Foundation told me they thought your interview would raise awareness. They expected some women to contact you. You can even refer them all to the foundation if you want. I want to screen them for you, though, just in case there are any nutcase letters.”

“Have there been any more articles in the tabloids?”

“No. Evidently, NYC Word doesn’t consider you newsworthy since you went mainstream.”

“I’m really glad it’s over,” said Anne.

“Yes, well... You know it’s not exactly over. The HER Foundation mentioned having you as a keynote speaker for a fundraiser.”

She felt the blood drain from her face. “I’m actually hoping my appeal will wear off before I have to do something like that.”

“We’ll see. But don’t count on it. You could work on writing a speech in all your spare time at home,” he teased.

“I’d like to do some real work. Surely there’s something I could do from home. I’m hoping I can go back to work in a week or two.”


“Hmmm? What does that mean?”

“Nothing. Just hmmm.”

“I think that’s short for I’m avoiding this subject. Don’t you need me at work?”

“Nope, not at all. Things are so much better without you here.”


“What do you want me to say? Of course I miss you. We all do. But right now your health and the baby’s health are the priority.”

Anne let out a huge sigh. “I know, but I don’t feel useful.”

He chuckled. “When I come home tonight, I’ll feel you and see if you feel useful.”

“No thanks. I don’t need any help to know how I feel.”

“But I want to help.” She could hear the smile in his voice.

“Steven, you’re incorrigible.”

“Oh yes, I’m definitely encouragable.”
