“Wow,” Claire spoke into the ensuing silence. “You’re rich, huh?”

“Claire!” scolded Connie.

“I don’t live with them, so it’s not my money.” Emily knew her face was glowing red.

“I’m sorry,” said Spencer miserably. “This whole thing was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have let you come.”

“Nonsense,” said Connie. “Now we’ve gotten over the shock of the idea, we won’t embarrass you again, Emily. I imagine you were a little shocked yourself when it first happened.”

Emily let out a breath, and smiled gratefully at Connie. “Actually, my sister and I were both a bit shocked at the whole thing. That’s a long story. But Steven’s a really great guy, and he’s nothing like they say in the tabloids. He’s super nice, and he really, really loves my mom.”

“I told you guys when I met him six months ago he was nice and down-to-earth. I told you he didn’t act like a billionaire,” said Spencer.

“Yes,” said Olivia. “But you didn’t tell us you were dating his daughter.”

“We’re not dating,” he corrected before Emily had a chance to respond. “We’re friends. Right, Emily? At least I hope we’re still friends, after this.”

“We’re still friends.” Her heart broke a little at his apologetic smile. He was trying so hard to protect her. Not that she would ever need protecting by a man. She was self-sufficient.


Anne opened her eyes again. She was shivering. There was a metal rail on her bed. Hospital. She must be getting her IV. How did she get here?

“Are you cold?” Steven said, adding a white blanket to her covers. “You’ve got like four blankets on.”

“Did I get my IV?” she croaked. “Can I go home now?”

“Well, we need to talk about that,” he said, coming to sit beside her and hold her hand. “The doctor met us here. It turns out she was angry we didn’t call her earlier. We discovered you don’t have morning sickness. She said you have something called hyperemesis gravidarum. It can be really dangerous—to you and the baby. Since you didn’t respond to the Vitamin B6 and anti-nausea meds, you’re probably going to need to stay in the hospital.”

“But I feel better now. I don’t even feel nauseated.”

“That’s because they gave you medicine in your IV. You were throwing up your oral meds before they even got into your system. You need the IV.”

Now fully hydrated, her eyes were swimming in tears that pooled and flowed down her face in rivers. “Please, can I go home? I don’t want to stay here.”

He squeezed her hand. “First, we’re gonna talk about something else. I have to call Emily and Charlie. They have to know you’re in the hospital. They’ll have to deal with keeping your secret.”

She nodded. He was right, of course. She couldn’t put it off any longer.

“Okay. Just get Emily here. I’ll tell her in person. But don’t scare her, okay?”

Steven rolled his eyes. “Dealing with you Best women can be so difficult.”


The food disappeared quickly. With so much laughing and teasing and conversing, Emily was surprised anyone managed to eat at all.

“Time for dessert.” Olivia emerged from the kitchen with the Emily’s container in hand.

She set the Tupperware in the middle of the table after snatching a bar for herself and taking a bite.

“Yum!” said Claire, her expression ecstatic as she relished the chocolaty dessert.

“These are really good,” Spencer confirmed.

Emily watched the Marshall family devouring the sweet bars. “I’m so full from dinner. I can’t even imagine eating dessert.”

“That’s why you should always eat dessert first,” Olivia declared.