Spencer gulped. He’d forgotten about talking to Mr. Gherring. “We haven’t exactly talked about it. But I’ll get around to it before I actually buy the ring.” He hoped that was true. He still hadn’t figured out how to broach the subject. Saturday had been like torture. He’d been so close to kissing her multiple times, but he’d held himself back. Just barely. He hadn’t wanted to upset her, but it was so hard to resist when her lips looked so kissable.

Joe stood up and clapped Spencer on the shoulder. “She’s a wonderful girl. We’ll love having her in the family. I hope she doesn’t mind being swallowed up by your sisters. I’ll cover for you this time, but you need a better story if you’re going to keep this up. When are you going to ask her?”

“I don’t know yet. As soon as I can afford to buy the ring and think of a good way to ask her.” He hesitated, “So the other problem is my sisters—in case Emily mentions something about me being here Friday night.”

“You’re really lucky. All the girls but Grace were at a movie.”

“And Grace? Was she out with Brad?”

“Nope, he was working Friday night at the hospital, and Grace didn’t feel like going to the movie. I’m afraid she was here Friday night,” said Connie.

“Ughh! I’m going to have to bribe her, and she’s going to make me pay.”

“Sorry, Son.” Joe laughed. “You might as well get used to it. Once you’re married, it seems they spend all their free t

ime thinking of ways to make you pay.”

“Hey,” Connie said in mock outrage. “Watch what you say, you old shoehorn!”

“Hi, Gracie. You look nice tonight.” Spencer stood in the doorway of her room, wearing what he hoped was a sincere expression.

“Oh boy. You want something really bad, don’t you?”

“Can’t a guy compliment his gorgeous sister without having an ulterior motive?”

Grace rolled her eyes.

“Okay. I need a favor. I need you to back me up in case Emily asks anything about Friday night. I told her Papa and I were tackling a bathroom project.”

“I’m listening.”

“I was actually working, but I didn’t want her to know I got an extra job.”

“Why can’t she know you got an extra job?”

“She... She might think it’s because Mr. Gherring doesn’t pay me enough.”

“Hmmm. Nope. That’s not a good enough reason. I think you should just tell her the truth.”


“Forget it.”

“Okay... Fine... I’m working to buy an engagement ring.”

“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!”

“You did not.”

“Of course I did. You’re so gone over Emily. When you’re with her I could absolutely sweep you up in a pan and toss you over the wall, and you wouldn’t even notice. I take it you finally talked about it? You told her you love her?”

“Well, not exactly.”

“Spencer! You haven’t told her yet?”

“I’m waiting for the right time.”

“But when I talked to her Monday night at the pool she still thought you were some player who was bound to leave her for another guy.”