“Mrs. Gherring, I’m glad you’re okay. You really scared us yesterday. What happened?”

Anne pressed her lips together, glancing at Steven.

“She has a peptic ulcer. They gave her medicine, and she’ll be perfectly fine.” The tone of his voice closed the subject from further discussion.

Spencer nodded. “My dad had one of those. He takes medicine, and he’s great. I think it’s only dangerous if it’s a bleeding ulcer.”

“Is yours a bleeding ulcer, Mom?”

“No. It’s just a plain one. No blood. It’s nothing to worry about.”

“Hey! Since you’re okay, do you guys want to go with us on the hike this weekend?” Spencer’s eyes were bright and eager.

“Sure.” Her mom smiled.

“No, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Steven pinned Anne with narrowed eyes. “It might hurt your ulcer.”

“My ulcer will be fine. It’s only a hike.”

“But what if you fall? It might be dangerous. It might… It might turn into a bleeding ulcer.”

“I won’t go if you don’t want me to. But it would be fun.” She added in a quiet voice. “We should have fun together while we can.”

“Can we have a word in private?” He grabbed her hand, dragging her down the hall.

“Do you have hiking boots?” Spencer broke Emily out of her reverie.

“Me? Hiking boots? Why would I want hiking boots?”

“Oh... I thought you were going on the hike this weekend.”

“Well, you assumed I wanted to go. I never actually said I was going. It’s not really my thing.”

His face fell.

“I’m sorry... I understand. It’s only a bunch of people going as friends. But I didn’t mean to push you into something you didn’t want to do. I thought... You know... It could be fun.”

He patted her shoulder and she jumped at the tingle that shot through her. He jerked his hand away, blushing furiously. Her heart was racing. What was it about him that affected her like that? Granted, she wasn’t a real touchy person, but she didn’t usually feel electricity from casual contact. He made her feel out of control, and she didn’t like it. Or did she? She considered the warmth that had spread through her. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant.

Steven returned without Anne.

“Hey, Spencer. We’re going on the hike after all. Okay? Call us with the details.”

“Okay, Mr. Gherring. That sounds good.”

Steven hurried to catch up with her mom. Perhaps she should go on the hike, simply to keep an eye on her mother. Not because she wanted to spend more time with Spencer, of course. She’d simply have to sacrifice for the good of her mother.

“I’m going. What do I have to do?”

“Well,” Spencer’s eyes revealed his bewilderment. “I probably need to take you shoe-shopping.”

“Ughh! I hate shopping!”

“A girl who hates shopping? One thing’s for sure… You’re not predictable.”

Emily called Charlie after work. “They said Mom has an ulcer, but they were acting pretty weird. Mom was letting Steven do all the talking. And they didn’t seem to know much about her condition. Wouldn’t you think they’d ask a lot of questions about a condition that put Mom in the emergency room?”

“Yeah, I agree. Mom might not ask detailed questions, but Steven would for sure. Do you think it’s more serious than they’re letting on?”