“Yes, but... We still thought we might have a chance at proving our case. There was one person at the bar who claimed to have seen her at Emily’s table. And Denning admitted he left the table for a minute when his friends were leaving the bar. The DA thought he might get her to cave in and confess, but she lawyered up and isn’t talking.”

“That’s okay. Surely this will scare her enough to keep her from ever doing anything like this again.”

“That’s the thing. The DA said this girl is pretty vindictive. He said he wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t try to retaliate somehow.”

“But she seemed like a nice enough girl.”

“You and your daughters are way too trusting. You always believe the best about people. Usually it’s a wonderful thing, but sometimes it can be dangerous. This is one of those times. I think we need to warn Emily. Actually, I should probably warn Spencer instead. Emily’s probably already forgiven Becca and invited her over for tea.”

“Oh, I don’t think she’d invite her for tea—”

“I’m being sarcastic.” He pushed both hands through his hair. “I’m only saying she’s too trusting and too forgiving.”

Anne smiled and wrapped him in her arms. “But she has a great dad to take care of her now.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do, but I need cooperation.”

“Uhmm, hmmm,” said Anne, unbuttoning his shirt.

“What are you doing?” he asked with a grin, watching her determined efforts.

She looked up with a sultry smile as she undid the last button. “I’m cooperating.”


Spencer felt sorry for himself. It was Friday night, and he was out on a date... with Josh. And Josh didn’t look any happier about the situation than Spencer. What a pair they made. But Josh was as good an option as any, since Emily had some pressing engagement with her laundry tonight. Three weeks—three weeks since he’d had a single moment alone with her. She’d always managed to arrange their dates so there were friends along or they were in a crowded public place. And when he took her home, she would insist she needed to go check on her mom. They hadn’t been alone together since the night in her apartment after the climbing date. And never alone meant never kissing. Frustrated didn’t begin to describe him.

So when Grace had begged him to take Josh somewhere to give her a chance to be alone with Brad, he’d reluctantly agreed. Why not? Josh had evidently sworn off

other women since his encounter with Charlie. Consequently, he was moping around with Brad and Grace. Brad complained his once fun-loving friend had turned into a moping grump.

“Can you believe it?” Josh griped. “Brad told me I needed to get laid. Here I am, trying to change, trying to be the sort of man Charlie deserves, and he’s fighting against me.”

“Does she know you’re trying to change? I mean... Is she encouraging you?”

Josh squeezed his eyes shut with a grimace. “She won’t talk to me. I call her every day, and I always get her voice mail. Then she texts back about being really busy.”

“Sounds like a brush-off to me. Sorry man.”

“She’ll give in eventually, won’t she? I mean, you said it took a while with Emily. Right?”

“Maybe the two of them are plotting together. Emily hasn’t ditched me, but she’s avoided being alone with me for three weeks.”

“That sucks, man.”

“Yeah,” Spencer agreed glumly. “Want another drink?”

“Good idea. Waitress,” called Josh. “Bring me a double.”

“Uhmm... A double?” asked the teenaged blond girl.

“Yes. A strawberry-banana-yogurt slush, with a double vitamin shot.”

Spencer chuckled. “Are you sure you don’t want to go somewhere and get something a little stronger to drown your sorrows?”

“No. I’m on call tonight. Thanks for hanging out, by the way. I guess Brad and Grace are getting tired of me. I never realized how much time I spent chasing women before. I guess I’m going to need a new hobby.”

“Emily says Charlie’s still convinced you’ll forget about her soon.”