“I know it was wrong. We’ll talk about it later. Okay?”

“No fair flashing those big brown puppy dog eyes at me. We’ll drop it for now. But we will discuss it, because it will never happen again.”

“But as for what to tell the others... hmmm... Let’s go with stomach ulcer. It explains the loss of appetite and weight loss. So here’s the plan. You tell everyone it was only an ulcer and I’m embarrassed about it. Then no one will ask me about it, and I won’t have to lie.”

“But I’ll have to lie.”

“But you’re so much better at it than I am. Please?”

“Fine, I’ll do it. But you know this could backfire on you.”

“No it won’t. I feel better—everything’s settled for now.”

“But one more thing.” His bright blue eyes twinkled. “Let’s go home and celebrate before we go to work.”

“I don’t know. What if the boss finds out?”

“I’m willing to bet he’d approve.”


Emily regarded her mom with suspicion. Something didn’t quite add up. She’d come by her cubicle to assure her everything was fine, but she’d brought Steven along to be her mouthpiece.

“So, you have an ulcer? And you passed out because of an ulcer?”

“She passed out because she was dehydrated,” Steven clarified. “But she’ll be fine since they’ve given her medicine.”

“And have you called Charlie to explain? She’s worried out of her mind.”

“I thought you could call her,” Anne suggested in a pleading voice.

“Why wouldn’t you call her yourself?”

“Oh... I could... but I thought you’d be better at making her not worry. You’ve always been able to calm your sister down.”

“And where is this ulcer?”

“What do you mean?”

“You can have ulcers in different areas. I know that because my boss in Fort Worth had an ulcer and explained it to me. At the time I thought it was too much information, but now I’m glad I know. So where is your ulcer?”

“Uhmm, in my stomach?”

“So it’s a peptic ulcer?”

“Uhmm.” Anne glanced at Steven. “That’s right. Isn’t it honey?”

His lips pulled back in a grimace. “Sure, that’s what the doctor said.”

“And what tests did they do to confirm it?”

“Oh, I was so out of it, I don’t remember.” Her mom studied the water bottle in her hands. “What tests did they do, sweetheart?”

“Of course, I don’t know what tests were performed, since I wasn’t allowed to be with you.” Did Steven sound annoyed?

“Y’all didn’t get much information from the doctor this morning,” Emily observed. “What—”

Spencer’s arrival interrupted her question.