“Ms. Carson!” he spoke into the intercom. “Monsieur DuBois will be making a detour on his way back to Paris. Please make a reservation for him on the next flight to Frankfurt.”

“Yes, Mr. Gherring.”

Shortly after Henri departed, Katie knocked tentatively on Gherring’s door.

“Yes, Ms. Carson?” His head was pounding as he attempted to tamp down his still-revving temper.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Gherring. But Mr. Murphy is here about that matter we discussed earlier.”

Steven felt his blood pressure rising as he massaged his temples. “Send him in.”

Jeff Murphy entered the room, his expression arrogant and challenging. He strode casually to Gherring’s desk and stood looking down at him from his six-foot height, his arms crossed casually across his chest. Why did every meeting today have to be a confrontation?

“Have a seat, Mr. Murphy.”

“I prefer to stand.”

Gherring rose to his full height of six-foot-three and leaned over his desk. “I asked you to sit, Mr. Murphy. It seems you’re making a habit of flaunting my rules.”

Cowed, Jeff sat down, although his entire demeanor remained in full scowl. “I’ve been falsely accused,” he said. “I told Human Resources, already. I’m the victim here.”

“Mr. Murphy,” said Gherring, carefully controlling his voice. “Are you aware of the No-Tolerance Policy for sexual harassment at Gherring Inc.?”

“I’m telling you, I didn’t do anything! That b—” He caught himself before the word left his lips. “That woman was lying.”

As expected, the pig showed no sign of remorse for his actions. Growing up with Gram, Gherring had learned to have no respect for a man who took advantage of a woman sexually. Why hadn’t he recognized these Neanderthal tendencies before he hired him?

“Mr. Murphy,” Gherring repeated. “Are you aware of the No-Tolerance Policy for sexual harassment at Gherring Inc.?”

“Yes, but I didn’t do anything! She’s trying to ruin my reputation. She’s just mad because we went out a few times, and now I’ve broken up with her.”

“Her story is much different, Mr. Murphy.”

“But there were no witnesses. It’s her word against mine.”

“That, Mr. Murphy, is the only reason you’re still sitting in my office at Gherring Inc. rather than being escorted from the building. Consider yourself on probation. If you so much as blink in Ms. Latham’s direction, you’ll be terminated.”

“But I’ll see her every day in the break room.” Gherring could see his anger in the flexing muscles of his jaw. He had no sympathy for the man after hearing Ms. Latham’s testimony. Unfortunately, he didn’t have enough evidence to fire him, but he would be watching him closely.

“Then you will need to take your break in your office. And further, you are not to be alone with any female employee at this office, at any time, for any reason.”

“You can’t control whom I see on my time off!” Gherring knew from his defiant attitude it would only be a matter of time before Jeff stepped across the line again.

“You’re right, I can’t control it. But if I find out you’re alone with another female employee, even if you’re sharing a cup of coffee, you’ll be terminated.”

“This isn’t fair! I didn’t do anything.”

“What you didn’t do is your job. You’ve made zero progress on the Bern merger, and I want that wrapped up before the holidays. Get your work done, Mr. Murphy.”

“But I’m still saying you can’t keep me from dating employees on my own time. There’s no company policy for that.”

“You’re incorrect, Mr. Murphy. Our No-Tolerance Policy clearly states that in the case of any accusation, founded or unfounded, a no-dating policy will be enforced for the duration of employment.”

Jeff sagged in his seat. “Fine. I’m not interested in anyone here anyway.”

“Additionally, I want a report on my desk Friday morning concerning your progress on the Bern merger.”

“Friday morning? I can’t make any progress by then. Our business hours don’t even coincide.”