“Steven, please! I’m not even upset you’re rejecting my not-so-subtle offer, although I think we’d have had a really good time. I’m not some innocent, insecure girl. Just don’t say no yet.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to continue to pursue me if you need someone who’ll commit to you through the election. I just can’t guarantee that.”

“What if I promise to look at other options? My campaign chairman believes this last week of speculating about our possible affiliation has helped me rise in the polls already. You could give me one more week. And who knows? You might even change your mind.”

Steven didn’t really think he would change his mind. But on the other hand, maybe he needed to be realistic about his options. As a potential wife, Alicia was ideal. Intelligent. Attractive. Poised. Charismatic. And she had a very practical approach to their relationship—mutual benefit. With Alicia Esparza, he wouldn’t have to deal with a woman sobbing and crying about how he’d ruined her life and broken her heart. He chuckled to himself. In fact, if he ever actually fell for her, she would probably break his heart.

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll give you one more date, and I won’t say no yet.”

She squeezed her arms around his neck, nuzzling against his chest. “Judge Gherring, I think you’ve made a wise decision. Can we seal the agreement with a kiss?”

“For the benefit of the photographers?” he asked.

“Well, yes,” she admitted. “But for my personal benefit as well. Just one kiss?” She lifted her lips toward him, and he obligingly lowered his mouth to capture hers. Her kiss was warm, passionate, and full o

f unspoken promises. His body responded to her, despite his efforts to remain aloof. He pulled away before their embrace became more ardent.

“That wasn’t too awful, was it?” She maintained her composure, even as her breath came in little pants. “But, I suppose you like to always be in control, right?”

“Something tells me we have that in common.”

“Yes, I suppose that’s true. But I think it would be an interesting fight to determine the winner. Don’t you?”

Steven didn’t answer, instead regarding the cameras flashing in their direction. “I think you have your publicity in the bag. I hope you get the desired boost to your ranking. It might just backfire on you, you know.”

She chuckled. “I don’t think so. I know how to play the press. Now, if you dump me, I can always play the damsel in distress.”

“But if they really knew you, they’d never fall for that.”

She laughed, a melodic and happy tune. “Steven, I like you more and more. I sincerely hope our relationship extends beyond our next date.”

Chapter Three

Gherring ignored the stack of resumes Katie placed on his desk when he arrived at the office Monday morning. He had bigger problems.

“What do you mean you don’t have time to travel to Germany, Henri? What pressing engagement is preventing you from attending to business?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

The handsome Frenchman regarded him with open disdain before answering in heavily accented English, “I will not listen while you talk down to me. I have the matter under control. There is no need to travel to Germany to close the deal. I have already talked extensively with their CEO. She will not back out, I assure you.”

The blood vessels were pulsing in Gherring’s forehead. He rubbed it, wishing for some ibuprofen.

“Henri, sleeping with the CEO does not count as having the matter under control. She called me yesterday. Extremely upset! It seems she thought you were interested in a long-term relationship.”

His face paled. “Mais, non! I never said such a thing.”

“And yet she believed it to be true. So now, the question is, what are you going to do about it?”

“Perhaps it would be better if you were to go,” Henri suggested. “I would not want to fuel such dreams.”

“Oh, no. You started this, and you’ll finish it. And you’d better not mess up this deal in the process. I think your father would agree with me on this.”

Henri looked irritated. “You do not need to involve my father in this. I will take care of it.” He started toward the door, but turned back to face Gherring. “Soon my father will pass the company to my control, and you will not be able to use him as a threat against me.”

Gherring glared at him. “Your father is an astute businessman, and Gherring Inc. has enjoyed a profitable association with his company, La Porte. But you’re forty-eight years old, and he hasn’t turned over the reigns to you yet. I think he’s still waiting for you to grow up, and I wonder if it will ever happen! Have you ever considered it might not be a good idea to sleep with every woman you meet?”

He had the audacity to laugh. “Non! No! I am only giving them what they ask for. It would be rude to say no. But you cannot criticize me for this. You are just like me.”

“No Henri, I’m not like you.” Steven sincerely hoped his words were true. But he knew he’d been less than discriminating in his younger days. Still, he reasoned, he’d never mixed sex with business. On the other hand, he knew he couldn’t claim innocence in such matters. The realization made him even angrier.