“I mean we fit together. Everywhere.” She emphasized her point by pressing her body closer to his.

He couldn’t ignore the pleasant sensation of her uninvited advances. She was soft in all the right places, and her eyes spoke an open invitation.

“Have you been thinking about my idea?” she asked.

“Not really,” he lied smoothly. He’d certainly been considering her proposal, but he had no intention of making a commitment. As an astute businessman, he knew not to tip his hand.

“Tell me what your objections are, and I’ll change your mind,” she said, with the assurance of one who was accustomed to winning arguments.

“First of all, there are too many possibilities in your offer. Which proposal are we discussing?”

“Let’s start with the easy option. You’ve really got nothing to lose by agreeing to date me exclusively until after the election.”

“But I do have something to lose. There’s my reputation to consider. I don’t do exclusive...”

“So you’re worried you might lose your status as a player? Wouldn’t that be an improvement to your reputation?” She laughed.

“Only if I cared about anyone’s opinion where that’s concerned. And I don’t. My reputation as a player protects me from unwanted complications. I value my freedom.”

“But dating exclusively also protects you from unwanted advances,” she reasoned. “In fact, you’d be even safer.”

“Perhaps… I would be safer from other women, but not from you.”

“But you don’t need protection from me.”

“Au contraire. You’ve already expressed an interest in marriage.”

“Only as one of many acceptable options. Yes, I will need to settle down and get married to advance my career. But, it doesn’t have to happen with you.” She chewed on her lower lip, “My initial need is simply five weeks. I only mentioned the long-term option in case it was more to your liking.”

“So you aren’t interested in marrying me?”

“I didn’t say that.” She stifled a laugh. “I’d be a fool not to be interested. I had to at least make the offer. But, my main concern is my career, and I think this is a trait we have in common. Through the election, a short-term relationship would serve just as well as long-term.”

“I think I know the answer to this... But, why me?”

“Are you fishing for compliments?” she teased. “Seriously, though. It’s probably not for the reason you think. There are other handsome single men with money and status, but all of them have either been embroiled in messy divorces or break-ups or caught in embarrassing situations with drugs, alcohol, or some other type of scandal. Your reputation is unblemished. The only thing you’re guilty of is dating hundreds of different women, none of whom seem to be able to claim your behavior was unseemly.”

“Interesting point,” he admitted. “So my reputation as a hermit has earned me this unforeseen offer.”

“I wouldn’t call you a hermit,” she soothed. “I would say you’re... discriminating.”

His hearty laugh drew a few curious stares. “So the question is, ‘why would I want to change now?’”

The music changed, and Alicia used the opportunity to wriggle her body closer to his, moving her arms to link around his neck as they swayed in time to the music. Her perfume wafted upward, sweet and appealing. He could feel her heart pounding against him.”

“Of course you told me you don’t need what I have to offer,” her breathy voice entreated. “But then again, you don’t know what you’re missing. Perhaps you might find I’m worth the small, temporary sacrifice of your freedom.”

He was disappointed when he experienced only mild curiosity in response to her advances. He’d hoped he might find her irresistible and exciting. Perhaps it was because, like all the others, she was offering herself so freely. He longed for the thrill of the chase, the challenge of the fight, the exultation of winning.

“You also don’t know what you’d be gaining. You might be disappointed.”

She gazed at him with hooded eyes. “I highly doubt it. And I’m willing to risk it.”

He heaved a heavy breath. “Listen, Alicia...”

“Wait. I know when I haven’t made a good enough closing argument to win my case. Don’t make a decision yet. Okay, Judge Gherring?” Her eyes twinkled. “You’re being entirely too serious about this. Let’s just agree to one more date. I have a fundraiser event next Friday night. Are you available?”

“I have to check my calendar. But, I don’t know—”